Posted By: TEd Remington OK, OK - 10/31/02 09:29 PM
ANYTHING to stop anothre MAC-PC debate.
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: - 10/31/02 11:53 PM
cool. a zen post....

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: - 11/01/02 12:22 AM
hehe. see?

Posted By: Jackie Re: - 11/01/02 01:48 AM
cool. a zen post....
No zen zere, all right.
By the way, I just made a post in our original ghost thread. What an appropriate day to visit a ghost thread !

Posted By: Wordwind Re: - 11/01/02 02:15 AM

I see youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Now, how did Ted do what he did?

Posted By: Jackie Re: - 11/01/02 02:34 AM
I can see it now: the threads on either side of this one are going to have 9,742 views each, with no posts...

Posted By: jmh Re: - 11/01/02 06:56 AM
I love a challenge. I got here at last! Hope you all had a spooky Halloween.

Posted By: consuelo Re: - 11/01/02 10:32 AM
I rode my broom in! hehehe cackle cackle

Posted By: Faldage - 11/01/02 11:10 AM
Must is a Mac thang. Twere easy. I'll hafta gone try it at work on my PC

Posted By: Jackie Re: - 11/01/02 05:34 PM
I rode my broom in!
Was it a Harry Potter vibrating one, Connie?

Posted By: wofahulicodoc Just signing in - 11/01/02 09:10 PM
memo to TEd: Why not go back to the original post, edit it and give it a title? Unless you _want_ to keep it obscure, of course...

Posted By: of troy Re: Just signing in - 11/01/02 10:36 PM
well this is repy 11 not a record breaker, but not a post thats has 1 or 2 responces.. and dies... and there are lots of those...

previously we have had post that just had a single space as title... you could, with skill click into them..
i never much use next previous buttons.. this thread has me using them.. it might be a good thing.

Posted By: Faldage Re: Just signing in - 11/02/02 12:11 PM
we have had post that just had a single space as title

This one *is clickable from a Mac. Say what you will about them but.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Macs - 11/02/02 12:22 PM
Speaking of Macs, I was talking the other day to one of our county computer techs, and I mentioned that the Mac people seemed to brag a lot about their computers not being susceptible to the attacks of viruses. She said that the only reason that is true is because the hackers want to hit a lot of people, and most don't have Macs. Sounded logical.

Is her opinion correct?

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Macs - 11/02/02 12:40 PM
there is some truth in that; however, my understanding is that it is easier, because of system architecture, to hack into a PC system.
the whole mac vs. PC "discussion" is a very curious one. it raises the ire as much as religion or politics. mac users tend to be evangelists for their "cause" mostly because we want to share the joy.
<disclaimer> please do not interpret this as an antee-PC statement. I, in no way, wish to criticize another person's choice of tools. there is no reason to start a flame war.</disclaimer>

Posted By: Faldage Re: Macs - 11/02/02 12:54 PM
to share the joy.

A) I wonder how much the relative ease of writing PC viruses is due to architecture and how much is due to the simple fact that you can go to the web and download a PC virus template. Also, since the original viruses were early attempts at artificial intelligence, I would think that that would mean that PCs are more capable of being programmed for AI.

2) Maybe it's just because I don't know how, but I become easily frustrated by my inability to do certain things on a Mac. Just finding a file that I know is there somewhere but which Sherlock can't seem to find is one but

Þ) This is another. Y'all PCers saw that as I intended but anyone on a Mac will see some sort of kluge, e.g. <THORN>.

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Macs - 11/02/02 01:08 PM
A. could be, I don't know.
B. haha. I say the same thing about PC's all the time.
Þ. I saw the thorn just fine. however, right now, I can't seem to find the right key combination to make one! (we'll see if good 'ole cut and paste will work.)

Posted By: wofahulicodoc clickable null files on Mac - 11/02/02 01:48 PM
This one *is clickable from a Mac.

Dunno about that one - this iMac G4 (the bubble-base one, OS 10.1.4) doesn't seem to have that capacity. Wonder what I'm doing that's different?

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: clickable null files on Mac - 11/02/02 01:51 PM
I can't either, wofa. maybe something to do with what browser is being used?

<update> I can from Opera, but not from IE, or iCab, or Mozilla. hmmm...
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: <thorn> - 11/02/02 01:58 PM
interestingly(well, at least to me ), I can't see the Þ in Opera that I could see in Mozilla...

Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: <thorn> - 11/02/02 02:23 PM
I'm using Internet Explorer that came with the machine.

To me the thorn reproduces as a little h with the short leg abbreviated, but cutting-and-pasting gives me ®!= which I see as an R-in-a-circle followed by a not-equal-to sign [equal sign with a slash through it].

I can't see the ®!= in Opera that I could see in Mozilla...
and I observe that even this translates differently, as a r/circle, exclamation point, and then equal sign, when I preview the post !

Haven't fooled around much with keyboard combinations or different fonts to try for the esoteric characters...

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: Macs - 11/02/02 03:24 PM
I can't click into this thread, but I can see your thorn quite well, Faldage. Searching for stuff is made a lot easier in OS 10.2. There's a search field at the top of every Finder window. The best way to be able to find your stuff is to meticulously organize it from the start, but only freakish OCDers like me do that . . . Our results for clicking in to the thread and seeing the thorn may have to do with which operating system we're using. OS X is very different from OS 9 and before. I'm using 10.2.1, the most recent update, what about y'all?

I firmly believe that the reason we don't have (m)any virus attacks is because we are the chosen ones and Steve the Almighty protects us from the ravaging forces of evil (Wintel).

I rarely even see a PC anymore. Almost everyone in my school and both of my roommates use Macs and almost all are using the Titanium Powerbook G4 laptop. The only real issues I've ever heard anyone complain about is not having enough space. The switch from OS 9 to OS X that many people are doing right now creates a lot of superfluous, space-wasting stuff. 10 gigabytes really isn't enough for all of the intense graphics stuff we do and the loads of MP3s that most have.

Posted By: Faldage Re: Macs - 11/02/02 04:41 PM
I made the thorn right here on this iMac OS9.x in Opera with ampersand-number sign-two-two-two-semicolon.

Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: Macs - 11/02/02 05:57 PM

from 222, 221, 220 respectively.

It _does_ work! Now all we need to do is find out how to underline...
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Macs - 11/02/02 07:25 PM
I found this with a quick search:


[u]still working on underlining...[/u]

nope. that doesn't work.

we'd have to get HTML enabled, I think...

Posted By: Faldage Re: OK, OK - 11/03/02 11:39 AM
ANYTHING to stop

Too late, Dr. Frankenstein.

Personally I allus liked Dave Barry's theory on why PCs sell so much better than Macs.

It's easier to win at solitaire on a PC.

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: OK, OK - 11/03/02 11:54 AM
I thought we had done pretty well. hmph...

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: OK, OK - 11/03/02 02:53 PM
MAC-PC debate

What MAC-PC debate?

Is there even a PCer posting in this thread anymore?

Posted By: jimthedog Re: OK, OK - 11/03/02 03:27 PM
Now there is.

Posted By: wofahulicodoc special symbols - 11/04/02 01:40 AM

Ooo, now _that's_ a useful one! Thanks :-)

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: special symbols - 11/04/02 07:12 AM
What, you saying that the Big Mac is neither edible and nor does it have an ALT-Numberpad ASCII character capability? Wow, that is advanced! I must get me one, not ... Oh, that's right, there's one on the desk right beside me. Must see if it has an on-switch or whether I just think positive thoughts to get it to turn on ...

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