Posted By: modestgoddess Post deleted by modestgoddess - 04/17/02 01:52 AM
Posted By: Max Quordlepleen . - 04/17/02 01:59 AM
Posted By: modestgoddess Post deleted by modestgoddess - 04/17/02 02:03 AM
Posted By: Max Quordlepleen . - 04/17/02 02:16 AM
Posted By: belligerentyouth Fag break peoples - 04/17/02 02:22 AM
Right, everyone just take a chill pill.

MG - now you know for the future where to post this sort of thing, so let's not worry 'bout it now.

I'm reading from 'An Anthology of Romantic Poems', 'Literature and Gender', 'Romantic Writings' and lots of other things at the mo'. As novels go, I've recently been reading some Russians, like Turgenev and Tolstoy. Turgenev's 'Fathers and Sons' for example blew me away - even today it is so powerful - I can't imagine the affect it had on contemporaries!

Posted By: Keiva Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 02:32 AM
Max, without commenting on the temperence of her response, you should realize that various people on this board have been pick-pick-picking away at her ever since she mentioned her modeling. And you also have to realize that her inital post was a productive one intended to be helpful and healing, and that although your point was quite well-taken, it did take the focus off the important thing she was saying.

It is gratifying to here you say, quite correctly, that violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. But it is a bit curiously selective of you to say so now, having said nothing of the sort when f-bombs have been lobbed in mid-February.

Edit: b-youth, you and I were posting simultaneously. I am very much agree with and admire what you said and, had I seen it, might well have not posted my own.

Max, may I suggest "Hate the sin but love the sinner"? One can object to a post ("violence") without attacking the poster ("incompetent").
Posted By: hev Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 02:34 AM
Hence, this is, in a manner of speaking (writing), an INFORMATION thread.

ModGod, it is information, but perhaps not what the Board (set up originally by Anu) intended. Here's what the front page says:

Information & Announcements
Check this forum for latest developments about A.Word.A.Day

Odds and ends. This is the place for everything else. E.g. What is your favorite word? Did you coin a word? Share it here.

I think you know I'm not being critical, just trying to help you out. I suspect Max was too. I'm sorry you're upset.

Posted By: modestgoddess Post deleted by modestgoddess - 04/17/02 02:54 AM
Posted By: belligerentyouth Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 03:00 AM
> Why don't y'all get some perspective?

MG - I think you are in danger of not taking your own advice. How about taking a break and coming back when you've had sometime to cool off? Please.

Posted By: Keiva Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 03:01 AM
I'm sorry, folks. But when you start a precedent of swearing, you have to expect it will be followed. And when you don't object to harsh language, it does seem a bit odd to get all hot and bothered about the placement of a string.

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen . - 04/17/02 03:07 AM
Posted By: belligerentyouth Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 03:12 AM
> when you start a precedent of swearing, you have to expect it will be followed.

Sod that! [grin]

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 03:22 AM
But when you start a precedent of swearing

Who's "you", please?

Your Happy Epeolatrist!
Posted By: belligerentyouth Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 03:24 AM
How do you know if an elephant is sleeping in your bed?

Look for peanut shells

Posted By: modestgoddess Post deleted by modestgoddess - 04/17/02 03:28 AM
Posted By: belligerentyouth Compliments of Gerry Rafferty - 04/17/02 03:28 AM
Now I don’t know why I came here tonight
I got a feeling that something ain’t right
I’m so scared I think I’ll fall off my chair
And I don’t know how I’ll get down the stairs
Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you

Yeah I’m wondering what it is I can do
I can’t seem to keep this smile from my face
And I’m told that I’m all over the place
Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you

Well you started out with nothing
And you’re proud that you’re a self made man
Well your friends they all come crawling
Slap you on the back and say Please..Please

Yeah I’m trying to make sense of it all
but I can see it makes no sense at all
Is it cool to fall asleep on the floor
I don’t think that I can take anymore
Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 03:52 AM
Well (I'm going to pretend all these other posts don't exist), some of you will be pleased to find out that I've finally begun reading the Foutainhead, by Ayn Rand. I've had the dern book for about a year and I'm only getting around to it now. I'm not sure I can pick out any specific passages that I like yet, but I like that the descriptions are very architectural. She clearly consulted real architects before writing it.

I haven't been able to get too far into the Fountainhead yet because I've been busy reading books for my Human Diversity course. The main one currently is Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. It's basically a historical account of pre-history. The development of ancient man through social, not scientific language. It basically tries to explain why some cultures became so much more advanced than others. Right now I'm reading about the development of farming. Yipee.

Posted By: Keiva Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 04:06 AM
But when you start a precedent of swearing
Whit asks, Who's "you", please?

For example, Whit, Rubrick's swearing on Feb. 19. For convenience I copy here, in non-incendiary white -- No, on reflection I won't put it in white: since no one has ever stood up and said that Rubrick's words are improper, it can hardly be objectionable for me to those words:

Quote: "You really are full of s***."
"You've got some ******* axe to grind with something and someone but nobody else gives a s***. "
"Go fuck yourself you asshole!"

"Take a hint you *******. You are full of s*** and people are sick of it. What does it take to make you shut up and go away you good for nothing piece of s***?"
End quote

Had you forgotten, Whit? Trust me, I hadn't.
You can find the originals at

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 04:27 AM
And John also recanted, apologized, and edited his language...so holding this up as a candle to the board to hypocritically allow mg to assault folks with profanity like this doesn't cut the mustard...because I honestly know of no other instances when anyone, even at the most heated moments, resorted to profanity to antagonize or berate someone here....even though we are surely all capable of it. We ain't saints...but we do take pains to use discretion here at AWAD because we care about the quality of the site (or former quality of it).

And, no, Keiva I don't want a compendium of all the instances when profane words were used in humor or indirectly... because aside from that one moment on the Spammer thread, and now mg, they haven't been used in this malicious manner.

Your Happy Epeolatrist!
Posted By: hev Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 04:32 AM
farming. Yipee.

Hmmm... rather you than me Jazzo.

I'm reading the Barbara Kingsolver "Omnibus" (why does one read an Omnibus?) which is the biggest, fattest book I've ever had the privelege to try and fit in my bag so that I can read on the train to/from work.

I got completely absorbed in the last book of hers I read "The Poisonwood Bible" ... because it reminded me so much of mine, and a lot of my friends, lives ... growing up with zealots. So, I thought I'd give this latest omnibus a try and see if it is as good as the first. Nowhere near as gripping, but still a great read.

My $0.20.

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen . - 04/17/02 04:33 AM
Posted By: Keiva Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 05:09 AM
Your last post was lovely Max. And I do not now comment on what went before.

But MG is gone, Max. She has deleted her posts, and has PM'd me this evening:

not sure I can take it anymore, actually - am crying", I'm afraid. ... it's the few ruining it for the many, as per usual.

I will miss [names omitted] But I just can't take the shitheads any longer.

and later: "I'll not be visiting the board anymore"

So the only remaining question is, what lessons can we learn from this?

Posted By: Keiva Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 05:12 AM
Whit, as you have said almost word-for-word the same in another thread, I will simply respond there, and add a link here when I have responded.

Posted By: belligerentyouth Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 10:28 AM
> So the only remaining question is, what lessons can we learn from this?

Please, spare me.

Posted By: Keiva Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 10:38 AM
oh, b-youth? Those who will not learn from history are compelled to repeat it.
Do you wish that it be repeated?

Posted By: Jackie A call - 04/17/02 12:01 PM
You-all, I do want this back-and-forthing on behavior to stop. As I re-read that, I thought, "How censorious that sounds". But I have to say that it is my opinion that doing it in public, at this time, is a real risk to the health of the board.

As for private communications--I offer a suggestion. "I-messages" are a pretty effective way of communicating. You start by making a factual, non-judgmental statement, such as "I believe you are wrong". That is followed by an explanation or effect, again non-judgmental, such as, "The way I learned it was...". Another example: "I like your posts because they are so informative". An example of a non-effective type of I-message would be, "I think you're wrong, because you are a jerk". Equally ineffective would be, "I think all your posts are wonderful because you are a wonderful person". No logic!

I must be away for most of today--a relative is having surgery. My first thought was to post this and then close the thread with a note saying I'd see what had happened when I was able to get back. And in fact, I DID close the other thread--and then re-opened it, after thinking, "Wait a minute. These are adults. Caring and responsible adults. I can trust them to use their own judgment."

I am now appealing directly to that caring and good judgment. Please stop, for now, the did too/did nots about one another's behavior. I am getting the feeling that it is pushing the board towards the brink of potential disaster. An administrator can close all the threads she wants, or do this or do that; but that is only an artificial stop-gap. I do not think it would be fair to call for "forgive and forget". But I AM asking for everyone--everyone--to let it drop out of public view for now. I realize that not everyone has said everything they would like to say. But if this kind of posting continues until that has been accomplished, I fear it will be the death of this place--which is why I am not addressing any issues concerning individuals here. Just as in the rest of our lives, not everything here is going to have a satisfactory resolution.

I ask you all to contribute towards a natural regaining of health of our beloved board--even if only by refraining from picking at the wounds.

Well, you all got a look at my thought processes. Guess what? I don't have instant, perfect solutions!

Posted By: ewein Post deleted by ewein - 04/17/02 03:18 PM
Posted By: modestgoddess thanks & farewell - 04/17/02 05:38 PM
Thanks ewein.

Thanks to everyone who PM'd me so kindly.

I'm still leaving though. I don't need to come to AWAD for nastiness - I get examples of it in my daily life that I can't get away from, why would I search it out on the 'net?

I'm very happy for those who can separate the ugliness here from the considerable good stuff. For me, the site is rather tainted now. Still, it was good while it lasted - so thanks for the good.

Have nice lives, people. (I know this is often said sarcastically but that is not my intent here.) It was good knowing some of you. Please try to learn to read with acuity and a generous heart and mind.

orra best

Posted By: Hyla Re: How 'bout THIS, then? - 04/17/02 08:28 PM
Bravo, Jazzo, for steering us toward something less damaging.

Guns, Germs, and Steel is a great book. It looks at why civilizations have sprung up in different parts of the world, rather than others, throughout history and pre-history - and the history of farming really matters, as much of the "why" stems from which parts of the world had animals that could be easily domesticated (a horse can, but not a zebra) or crops that could be (e.g., lots of places had wheat, but only the Fertile Crescent had wheat whose seed pods shattered at the right time for the seeds to be collected and easily re-used for planting [IIRC]). This may seem fairly obvious, but Diamond paints a fascinating picture of it and goes on to explain how it relates to Pizarro's 90-odd men defeating the entire Inca empire.

As to The Fountainhead - keep in mind that she's a very compelling writer, but a bit of a zealot as well.