Posted By: Jackie Phished--yet another warning - 04/19/10 02:54 AM
A few weeks ago, my computer began running slow--so slow that it was driving me crazy. For ex., the top and bottom bar of a new window would appear, with space in between which would take several minutes to fill in--if it ever did. So I took it to the shop, and got it back in a couple of days.

Some days after that I went on-line to pay my credit card bill, and got a screen saying they needed to re-verify my identity. I didn't think anything about it (to my horror, now): I just figured that whatever the computer guy did, it had erased my info.

I mean, this page wanted everything: my full name, Social Security number, d.o.b., mother's maiden name; the number on the credit card plus the number on the back of it, plus my PIN for it. Then I got REALLY lucky, in that these people were greedy: it wanted my checking account number and PIN for that.

Well, I don't have a checking acc't. at that bank, and this info. was required, whereupon I called Customer Service, to learn that something--a virus?--had been planted in my computer that redirected me to this phishing page. (The computer guy then tried a quick fix, even finding and deleting a rootkit, but that didn't solve my problem; thus it spent 3 days in the shop last week.)

Now, I knew that my "real" bank would not ask for that kind of information either on-line or over the phone, but I didn't generalize this to all banks. However, I think that would be a good idea.

Sorry for boring those of you who think more than I do, but maybe this will serve as a warning for some.
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: Phished--yet another warning - 04/19/10 03:09 PM
Does not surprise me a bit. A number of years ago I had my
wallet stolen, luckily I had everyone contacted within
1 hour and 15 mins. Nothing surprises me in anything
you mentioned here. So sorry it happened.
Posted By: BranShea Re: Phished--yet another warning - 04/19/10 08:44 PM
Thanks for the reminder. There are also some who seem to gather all they can pick up on info they can gather about you and then pretend they can show all information about you. But what they have is picked up from public Google stuff. They pretend being able to give your email adress, but they haven't got it. They gather pictures that carry your name, but it isn't you. A whole page of incorrect information.
What drives those people?
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: Phished--yet another warning - 04/19/10 08:54 PM
What drives those people?

Greed, pure and simple.
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