I'm writing my Degree thesis and I have decided to focus it on "word of the
day/week" Web sites, and this one is one I've chosen.
That is why I need some information on how this website works.
this is what I need to understand:
Who chooses the word of the day(or the theme chosen) every day and with
which criterion. Are they related to any particular event?
- From where do you take the definitions (which particular dictionary)
Do you think it is just for mother toungue or for learners as well?

and the most important part:

why did YOU choose this web site instead of another one?which is the reason? what do you love about this feature(one word a day)and if you have any purpose...if you can, be detailed. I mean not just say....it's interesting, nice and stuff.....

thank you ver much!!!!!
I'm no expert on this site, but most of what you want to know is found by clicking the links above, especially "About Us". More info can be found at Wiki: Anu Garg.
Since the founder of the site did not have English as his mother tongue, I'm pretty sure it's for learners as well.

I was inadvertently lead here by a member, not by the WOD. I sometimes ignore the WOD, even for a week or more, unless there is some interesting chatter about it on this board. I would have to say that these forums are the most interesting part of Wordsmith. In my "real" life there are few people who will, or can, go toe-to-toe with me about language. I love to debate, read others' opinions, look things up because of a post I find, and just learn so much in general from what I find here. There are mostly reasonable people participating, who mind their manners so we can all get along. This is not to say that there is no controversy, or even heated discussions, because both of those happen. But those things make this site interesting, and help build the community of users. All of the regular "posters" are important, necessary and welcome, and the whole community of this site is diminished when even one person leaves. I don't know if this is the information you wanted. Sorry if it's not! :0)
I am not a frequent poster but am a frequent and long time reader. Many times the AWAD triggers a moment of inspiration that moves along what I am writing about at the time. This is especially true today with "pneuma" as my word work today is about spirit and breath. For me this is a moment of synchronicity and I love it when this happens. Why choose AWAD? For me the answer is simple as words are my breath of my spirit! Words are the pneuma of my pneuma ... breath of my spirit! If you want to know more visit my two blogs: www.findingtimothy.org and www.wordpowertruth.org. Master Anu, please keep on keeping on with words!
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