Posted By: twosleepy Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/27/08 04:21 PM
I'd like to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving, even if you're not a unitedstatesian, hoping that you all have things to be thankful for, as do I. At the very least we are all thankful for this forum and the variety of people who post herein (slipping in a weekly theme word...). I am grateful for the love of family and the means to celebrate. I am even grateful for the work it means for me, because I know there are many around this planet who would love to have this kind of work about which to complain. I watch the birds outside my window fighting over the food in the feeders, and wonder who I'll have to wrestle for a wing... Blessings on you all! :0)
Posted By: Zed Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/27/08 08:56 PM
And on you and yours.
Posted By: Jackie Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/29/08 01:43 AM
Indeed, everybody on here can be thankful for friends, at least! [hugs all around e]
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - 12/09/08 05:52 PM
And now with Channukah and Christmas approaching: can we continue with the hugs all around???
Blessed Christmas,Happy Channukah, and whatever goes with
Kwanzaa to those who celebrate its powerful and meaningful days.
Posted By: twosleepy Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - 12/09/08 06:57 PM
Well, generally we skirt the religious topics so as not to offend. Personally, I accept well-wishes from people of all faiths, and those without. Thanksgiving gets a free pass because it's not overtly religious, although many infuse it, which is just fine. Either way, I wanted to extend good wishes and hope that everyone had a chance to reflect on the good things in life that day... :0)

PS You forgot Divali!
Posted By: latishya Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - 12/10/08 03:19 AM
Originally Posted By: twosleepy
Well, generally we skirt the religious topics so as not to offend. Personally, I accept well-wishes from people of all faiths, and those without. Thanksgiving gets a free pass because it's not overtly religious, although many infuse it, which is just fine. Either way, I wanted to extend good wishes and hope that everyone had a chance to reflect on the good things in life that day... :0)

PS You forgot Divali!

Deepavali was quite some time ago, as was Eid al-Fitr. It's not too late to mention Eid al-Adha, though.
Posted By: twosleepy Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - 12/10/08 03:54 AM
I wouldn't say October 17 is "quite some time ago". It's less than 2 months ago, and Deepavali, Divali, can occur in October or November, so it is appropriate around Thanksgiving. I would say Easter was "quite some time ago".
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - 12/10/08 04:26 PM
And talk about skirting around religious issues! Who is trying to offend? My intention was to simply continue the season of hugs and with the economy is shatters, we can all use a hug.
Posted By: twosleepy Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - 12/11/08 03:21 AM
I didn't think you were trying to offend at all! I was attempting to explain the "official" position on religious discussion in the forums, seeing as how you are new and all... Sorry if you took it personally, because it wasn't meant that way. :0)
Posted By: LukeJavan8 Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - 12/11/08 04:05 PM
Thank you,I was not offended. And personally as I have no family I accept well wishes from anyone who wishes to send them. I can understand the reason for skirting religious issues in this forum too, and appreciate your comments. Let's carry on!
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