Posted By: Jackie Oh, Branshea-- - 10/12/06 01:52 AM
Have you heard of this guy? He's in Louisville this week.
Posted By: BranShea Re: Oh, Branshea-- - 10/12/06 04:12 PM
Yes, his name I knew but not his long list of achievements and merits.
I added the Festival Agenda to my favourites to keep an eye on it tomorrow to see if they might put some of it on the net. Landscape Illusions is an intriguing subject.
I already often see landscapes as illusions. So what would the illusion of an illusion show us?

Feel free to to improve my spelling, I like it to be back in school.
Posted By: Jackie Re: spelling - 10/12/06 10:31 PM
Nah--it's part of your charm. (And besides, you have the excuse of English not being your native language!)
Posted By: BranShea Re: spelling - 10/14/06 01:24 PM
Quite a festival! No illusions of illusions, but I admired the Louisville skyline,the riverside pool and a map with a road heading for St Louis, bringing up an old love for early Jazz.
I googled the guy's name directly and got many entries with a lot of good image material.(thanks for pointing him out to me)
That's how one becomes known in this country. First you have to make it abroad, then you can come back and be world famous at home. Thank God he is a good guy, a.o. defending the empty horizons that are left to us. (indispensable for those who want a good fatamorgana every now and then.)
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