Posted By: Father Steve Caution in writing - 04/13/06 02:46 PM
Sage advice
Posted By: Kelly123 Re: Caution in writing - 04/13/06 03:18 PM
This is so true Father. A couple of weeks in a corporate setting will teach you, one way or another. Hopefully by others example. I don't know how many times I've sat composing an email that I had to backspace and rethink my words for lack of vocal inflection or fear of being misconstrued. Sometimes it paralyzing.

Why, my debut post Re: 26 letter crossword was responded to with one word, "small". Was it malicious or not? I really don't know. To fire back a nasty missive would have been assumptive and irresponsible without knowing the intent. I think more familiarity with the writer helps with the interpretation.

My 2 cents
Posted By: Faldage Re: Caution in writing - 04/13/06 10:04 PM

Why, my debut post Re: 26 letter crossword was responded to with one word, "small". Was it malicious or not?

The standard daily USn puzzle is on a 15x15 grid. This is 225 squares. If 10% are blacked out we still have 203 squares to be filled in with letters. Compared to this, 26 spaces to be filled in is small. No maliciousness, just simple description. But small does not mean simple. The lovely AnnaS and I attacked the puzzle Alex proffered and got something like 4 or 5 letters.
Posted By: belMarduk Re: Caution in writing - 04/13/06 10:20 PM
It's so true. I've seen it happen in our office; somebody writes something that gets misinterpreted, the recipient responds agressively, things escalate and it turns into an out-and-out war.

It's a shame because there's nothing that couldn't have been solved if either one had picked up the phone and called the other to get clarification and talk it out.

You're right Kelly, the same applies to this type of bulletin board. It is often difficult to get the tone of what somebody is saying. Sometimes an innocuous comment, a short reply, or simple joke, might be interpreted as a jab, or insult. Especially when you don't know the characters of the members.
Posted By: tsuwm one word: small - 04/13/06 11:06 PM
>No maliciousness, just simple description.

well, it was my response; as I remember it, I was amidst a snitful and meant to be mean.

Posted By: Kelly123 Re: one word: small - 04/14/06 02:42 PM
Now that is truly funny, whether you meant it or not. Well done Tsuwm!
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