Posted By: Jackie Hoicked - 02/25/05 02:55 AM
Thought I'd share a conversation I had recently with a Britspeaker:

B: I got hoicked out of my room to work in somebody else's.
Me: hoicked?
B: Perfectly good word.
Me: Never heard of it. Hoicked sounds like something you did when you needed to get junk out of your lungs.
B: It's what shepherds do with their crooks.
Me: Goodness gracious--how do they ever get them swallowed in the first place??

Posted By: tsuwm Re: Hoicked - 02/25/05 06:47 AM
>what shepherds do with their crooks.

and I suppose the latter was pronounced "croicks"?!

Posted By: Jackie Re: Hoicked - 02/25/05 02:57 PM
Likely; dunno, however, since this was a written convo. (Egad, the NZ influence is showing...)

Posted By: Capfka Re: Hoicked - 02/26/05 03:57 AM
And sheep and lambs and sheep and lambs and sheep and lambs and sheep and lambs and sheep and lambs ... and the occasional goat!

Posted By: lapsus linguae Re: Hoicked - 02/28/05 08:51 PM
It's not a word I can ever recall seen written, however it is a word we used regularly as kids here in OZ. It was used as a reference to *throwing.*

Posted By: Faldage Re: Hoicked - 02/28/05 11:12 PM
Lapse! Bene venies!

Posted By: maverick Re: nice rabbit - 03/01/05 12:12 AM
yeah, wot 'e said ~ that's two posts this year already :)

Posted By: musick Wittle wabbit - 03/01/05 01:10 AM
So the goil says to me, she says "Ya drunkard! Take a hoike!" So I scuttle home with me tail between me legs, and as I see the bright eyeballs of a car coming up the road I turn around and put me thumb out trying to hitch-hoike a ride home.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: I've got the hoise right here! - 03/01/05 02:06 PM
So the goil says to me, she says "Ya drunkard! Take a hoike!" So I scuttle home with me tail between me legs, and as I see the bright eyeballs of a car coming up the road I turn around and put me thumb out trying to hitch-hoike a ride home.

Let me guess: the East Ends's answer to Damon Runyon himself in Brooklyn found.

no apologies to PDQ Bach

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