Posted By: tsuwm what do you call someone who... - 02/10/05 08:56 PM
...habitually finishes your sentences for you?

this question has come up again, and so did this thread:


1) the person who merely interrupts to say what's on his mind (see link) is known as an interrupter - that's obviously not what we're after.

2) the person who allows this to continue to happen is commonly known as a doormat. :)

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Type A? - 02/10/05 09:32 PM
... or either someone who knows you very, very well...

Posted By: TEd Remington Re: Type A? - 02/10/05 09:40 PM
Formosa us.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Type A? - 02/11/05 01:33 AM
There really is a word for such a person. I've read it on a dictionary site--but I cannot begin to remember what the word was. Shoot. Sometimes I could kick myself for not being more mentally organized.

Posted By: Jackie Re: what do you call someone who... - 02/11/05 02:42 AM
...habitually finishes your sentences for you? I dunno, but Onelook's Reverse Dict. certainly provides some tempting suggestions!
If that link makes anybody's screen go wide, holler* and I'll change or delete. I noticed a couple of earlier comments about it going wide, but in neither case was the screen wide for me.
*Send me a PM or an e-mail; that way I'll see it quicker than I might otherwise would.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: your link.. - 02/11/05 03:03 AM
..is just fine, Ms. J.

it has 'doormat', which is sort of opposite (see above); it has scunge, which along with a couple of others is perhaps a little strong...

Posted By: plutarch Re: your link.. - 02/11/05 01:14 PM
What do you call someone who ... habitually finishes your sentences for you?

This kind of patter is called anticipatter. So the one who does it is called an anticipatteror.

If the person in question is always jumping to conclusions, it's an anticipaclusion. And the person who does it is known as an anticipacludor.

If the person is always jumping to the wrong conclusions, you can call them an anticipaterror.

Posted By: maverick Re: what do you call someone who... - 02/11/05 02:40 PM
how about endwhore? It suggests a certain profligacy in their linguistic morals, and the action could be described as endwhoresment.

Yours helpfully,

joke friday

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