Posted By: tsuwm yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 04:16 AM
on some usenet (and other) forums it's considered an affectation, or just plain bad form, to add LOL to one's own comments--it's deemed equivalent to laughing at your own jokes.

my question is this: do you agree with this sentiment, and do you view the 'laugh' emoticon in the same way?

Posted By: modestgoddess Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 04:41 AM
considered an affectation, or just plain bad form

Saaaayyyy....Mebbe that's why I've never liked it.

But I likes the "laugh" emoticon. I likes all the emoticons....Find 'em very jolly. Guess I don't view it (the laugh emoticon) as an affectation....But LOL does seem affected to me.

Does this make me inconsistent?

If it does, I'm allowed, right? Being a woman an' all.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 05:09 AM
I usually only use LOL in reaction to somebody else's humor! Though I'm not shy about attaching smiley faces of all kinds to my own for clarity's sake.

mg said: Does this make me inconsistent?

If it does, I'm allowed, right? Being a woman an' all.

Yep...just like a hurricane! yeah, I know, they use men's names, now, too, but...

Posted By: Capfka Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 07:26 AM
I guess it all depends on what you view the role of emoticons, both keyboard and image, to be, Mike. The danger of exchanging written messages rather than having face-to-face conversation is that the lack of facial expression can leave the auditor/reader wondering whether someone is being serious or sarcastic or humorous or whatever. Emoticons (including the textual ones like LOL and ROTFLMA) can, to some extent, take the place of the emotional content of personal communication.

I guess it depends how you use them. If you use LOL at the end of a statement which could be taken either seriously or humorously, perhaps it's appropriate. If you're just trying to say "Gee, ain't I a funny guy/gal/green space alien with long antennae", well, maybe it is inappropriate. A bit like people who laugh at the end of everything they say.

Of course, it always helps if people have actually met, or even if they have had phone conversations where the vocal emotional input can have much the same beneficial effect.

That is one of the reasons why regulars on this Board should seriously consider going to the PaddyWap this June. Those of us who have met have a fair idea of when we are having the michael extracted or are being hammered or humoured by the others!

- Pfranz
Posted By: Wordwind Post deleted by Wordwind - 01/31/03 08:36 AM
Posted By: milum Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 09:53 AM
LOL = Laughing out loud
seems clumsy, tired, and trite.

RITFLMAO = Rolling In The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
is vulgar and sophomoric.

Yet Another tsuwm Acronym = YAtA
is a bit overwrought.

But who can get mad at a happy face?

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 10:27 AM
RITFLMAO = Rolling In The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
is vulgar and

also sounds very painful.

Posted By: Wordwind Post deleted by Wordwind - 01/31/03 10:40 AM
Posted By: dxb Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 11:30 AM
LOL makes me think of Lots of Love, but that's probably just my innate optimism at work. The only acronym that suits me is FWIW... oh, and perhaps ICLIU. But the little faces are fine.

Posted By: vika Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 03:09 PM
I haven't seen LOL for a while and never ever seen FWIW, ROTFLMA or ICLIU but this is because of my ignorance

I think that "textual emoticons" are being replaced by emoticons like :-)

saves you trouble explaining, I'll less likely get offended by a post if I see in it.

I like local smiling faces and, in fact, I find that there is not enough of them. for example, on a Russian internet forum
there is some 100 small pictures that one can insert in one's post. I miss "applause" - two hands clapping.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 04:09 PM
Yet Another tsuwm Acronym = YAtA
is a bit overwrought.

Yep, milum...and after awhile these just become YAtA,YAtA,YAtA!...

Posted By: musick Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 05:02 PM
I agree with that LOL sentiment, tsuwm, but a laugh emoticon adds something a bit subtler and can make comments steer toward the writers intent. Unless you use it like you just did...


...having the michael extracted...

Just where would one find this?


ROTFLMFAO has a better ring to it.

Posted By: bonzaialsatian Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 05:06 PM
I've just always seen s as an extra cheerful version of s. By the way, s don't look crazy to me - just sheepish.

Posted By: Bean Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 05:12 PM
has always looked to me like Charlie Brown looking worried.

Posted By: Capfka Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 09:44 PM
s don't look crazy to me - just sheepish.

Hey now, lay off us bloody New Zealanders, will ya? Geez, I gave all my sheep to some needy Welshman a couple of years ago.

I dunno, pick, pick, pick, pick ...

- Pfranz
Posted By: bonzaialsatian Re: yet another poll (yap) - 01/31/03 10:29 PM
Hmmm... you've been nippin' at me heels a lot lately - not afraid this small dog might round ya up are you?? Grrrrrrrrrufff!

Posted By: Alex Williams Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/01/03 01:11 AM

Posted By: modestgoddess Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/01/03 03:18 AM
I agree with bonzer's takes on some of the smiley faces....

and I must say I quite like FWIW, and also BTW. But LOL also makes me think of Lots Of Love, which is what it *used to be, n'est ce pas?

And ROTF...whatever...I've never liked that one much either....I try to take these things in the spirit in which they are meant but I don't truly appreciate 'em.

Posted By: milum Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/01/03 03:30 AM
Re: yet another poll (yap)



If tsuwm wants sex and tits, why are innocent white babes making fubble?

Posted By: tsuwm Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/01/03 05:21 AM
milum, I was with you there until the very, very last.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/01/03 11:12 AM
What's fubble?

Lawd, my mind is movin' along at a creak. I just got "yap"--oh, youthful mind lost! Where have I left you behind?

Posted By: bonzaialsatian Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/01/03 02:35 PM
Maybe I'm a bit behind here but I've just discovered two that are new to me:

By the way, what's ITWSATWAIWBMF?

Posted By: musick Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/01/03 04:08 PM
fubble - Invented by the absent minded professor as a clothing that absorbs the shock the body would otherwise receive tripping over one's words.

Posted By: Capfka Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/01/03 06:26 PM
So it's a kind of woven flubber then, is it? A kind of rubbery kevlar? Just askin', loike.

- Pfranz
Posted By: dwavle Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/04/03 05:28 PM
Right, dxb -- when I first started dating my current boyfriend, he put "LOL" at the end of his messages. I never could figure out what was so funny. Finally broke down and asked him, and turns out he meant "lots of love". Sweet, and enlightening. So what is ICLIU? This one is new to me.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/04/03 05:41 PM
YCLIU <> you could look it up
ICLIU, one supposes, would be: I could look it up (ICLIU :)

Posted By: maahey Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/04/03 06:48 PM
my question is this: do you agree with this sentiment, and do you view the 'laugh' emoticon in the same way?

Agree. Does seem like very poor form to 'announce' that you are laughing, and what's worse, that you are doing so loud! Sounds extremely belaboured and strenuous. I like Smiley. He looks genial and friendly and puts a face to the words as it were. Smiley indicates that I want you to laugh and that whatever is being said, has no ulterior or hurtful motive. Whereas, LOL seems like an order to laugh.
[Luddite alert!] As for the rest of the acronyms, I confess to knowing almost none of them, except for YCLIU. Much rather prefer, Old Ms. Ponderous, You Could Look It Up. If one must be rapped, lets do it the good old way!

On the subject of emoticons, I sometimes see a small slash of red in Smiley's mouth (Smiley, not Laughey) and sometimes, I see only black. Is it just me, or is this happening to all of you?

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/04/03 06:52 PM
I like lol, it only takes three key-strokes, as opposed to seven for either laugh[] or smile[]. I think it's fine to share the fact that you're laughing; do you cover it up when you're actually talking with someone? why cover it up here?

muahahahahaha lol

btw, I've always seen these as what I'm doing, not what I expect you to do.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/04/03 07:12 PM
Welcome aboard, dwavle!

Here's a Message Board Abbreviation Dictionary I found a few weeks ago:


Posted By: Capfka Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/04/03 08:36 PM
There're a lot of those "dictionaries" about, Juan. The problem is that if someone used the damned dictionary to create abbreviations, e.g. SWAK, the recipient would spend as much time with the dictionaries trying to work out what the abbreviations actually mean.

At which point the whole thing becomes slightly pointless, wouldn't you say?

- Pfranz
Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/04/03 11:39 PM
The problem is that if someone used the damned dictionary to create abbreviations, e.g. SWAK, the recipient would spend as much time with the dictionaries trying to work out what the abbreviations actually mean.

At which point the whole thing becomes slightly pointless, wouldn't you say?

Yeahbutuhhh®, you're confusin' me a bit, here, Cap. Don't dictionaries simply chronicle already-extant words and abbreviations so when you encounter an unfamiliar one you can look it up? Why, and how, would you use a dictionary to create a Message Board abbreviation? IJW (I'm just wonderin'...).

Posted By: tsuwm Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/05/03 12:27 AM
>if someone used the… dictionary to create abbreviations

what CK is saying, I'm guessing, is that if you use such a dictionary to add 'clever' initialisms to your posts and your reader(s) then have to use the same dictionary to understand your posts, then you're not saving much time by abbreviating but only indulging in mental masturbation. OTOH, if certain initialisms just seem to fall out of the normal flow of posting, then maybe that's a good-thing.

Posted By: maahey Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/05/03 04:03 AM
Smiley indicates that I want you to laugh......LOL seems like an order to laugh

btw, I've always seen these as what I'm doing, not what I expect you to do.

Oh Dear! You are quite right, Etaoin, and I see that I must explain myself further. I know that I am laughing, but what is the response, I want from you? I use Smiley not only to convey my reaction, but sometimse, also to smoooth out potential wrinkles in a post. In discussion boards such as these, it is easy for one to misunderstand the intent behind the words, and somethings come out sounding harsher than they ever intented to. Smiley helps to not offend people's sensibilities. And a face does not cover up as much as the letters do, does it?

Posted By: Rubrick Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/05/03 09:31 AM
on some usenet (and other) forums it's considered an affectation, or just plain bad form, to add LOL to one's own comments--it's deemed equivalent to laughing at your own jokes.

Does this mean that we've been breaking the rules for the past three years?

Oh, sorry about that! That really was bad form.

Damn! LOL

Oh, behave!

I give up.....

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/05/03 01:17 PM
Not that I ever observe this rule, but doesn't it come down to a case of "everything in moderation"?

Posted By: Faldage Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/05/03 01:47 PM
everything in moderation


Including moderation.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/05/03 01:59 PM

Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.

--Robert A. Heinlein

Posted By: Wordwind Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/05/03 02:15 PM
I agree with Heinlein about the big bites.

But with some reservations: Big bites of the good, but not of the bad like anger, revenge, depression...

Posted By: Capfka Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/05/03 09:56 PM
Heinlein was anal-retentive.

tsuwm's interpretation of what I said was correct.

Juan's wasn't.

Good night!

- Pfranz
Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/06/03 01:12 AM
Heinlein was anal-retentive.

Yeah?...well, then, grok this!


we all know youse a Heinlein fan from way back, so your Capfkaesque twist here won't work, mate!

And, yes, I meant to thank tsuwm for ronobviousizing that one for me.

Good morning. [since that's when you'll see this post]

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: (o,o) - 02/06/03 10:36 AM

just to add to the fun!

Posted By: Jackie Re: (o,o) - 02/06/03 02:07 PM
nothing to say
He is too amazed to say anything. And he is in a cold sweat.

Eta, these are great, esp. the explanations! I was going to do the one for "gyaaa", but don't have the characters for it.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: (o,o) - 02/06/03 04:02 PM
Wow!...you have an emoticon!:


it's called "wow!"

Posted By: of troy Re: yet another poll (yap) - 02/06/03 05:28 PM
re: and never ever seen FWIW, ROTFLMA or ICLIU but this is because of my ignorance

FWIW= For What It's Worth (something of questionable value, like free advice!)

ICLIU= I Could Look It Up... (and also YCLIU =You could look it up.)

and an old one, not used here, because 1) there really isn't any, and 2) really suited to using software is RTFM (cleaned up as RTM= Read The Manual (the F is a vulgar word, known world round)

another one you might not know is IMHO= In My Humble Opinion (which is rarely used by any one with a humble opinion!)

Posted By: maahey Re: (o,o) - 02/06/03 05:50 PM
It IS a fun site, Etaoin. Enjoyed it. Thanks!