Posted By: ralphjr metaplasm - 10/23/02 03:21 PM

Posted By: Faldage Re: metaplasm - 10/23/02 03:26 PM

Maybe. Or either just the graphic representation of a variant vowel pronunciation.

Posted By: Jackie Re: metaplasm - 10/24/02 12:47 AM
Welcome aBoard, ralphjr. What is a metaplasm, please?

Posted By: wwh Re: metaplasm - 10/24/02 01:18 AM
From my dictionary, starting with second definition:
2 5L metaplasmus, an irregularity < Gr metaplasmes, formation of cases of nouns from a missing nom. < meta, over (see META3) + plassein, to form (see PLASTIC)6 a change in a linguistic form made by the addition, omission, or transposition of a sound or sounds or a syllable or syllables

But it is a subset of a group of allied rhetorical terms, the names of which I'll try to relocate.

Posted By: Faldage Re: metaplasm - 10/24/02 09:50 AM
it is a subset of a group of allied rhetorical terms

Actual, Dr. Bill, it's more like a superset. It comprises metathesis and a couple two three other thangs.

And whaddaya, Jackie, don't get A.W.A.D.?

Posted By: belligerentyouth Re: metaplasm - 10/24/02 12:28 PM
> it's more like a superset

Right - but is 'Warshington' indeed a case of intentional (and perhaps anti-governmental) metaplasm or just a spelling more representational of how certain Americans pronounce the name?
I tried to look for a specific term for adding a letter to a word for comic or poetic effect, but our beloved 'Forest of Rhetoric' is down :-|

Posted By: Faldage Re: metaplasm - 10/24/02 12:57 PM
our beloved 'Forest of Rhetoric' is down

The Bushman cut it down

Or either he coppiced it, one

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