Posted By: versmith versmith - 09/24/02 10:51 AM
Dumb question. Sorry. I am just hoping for a quick response so I can move on. I am looking for a word that was used last year on word of the day. x=victory at too high a cost. Help me solve for x.

Posted By: Faldage Re: versmith - 09/24/02 11:13 AM
Dumb answer

Pyrrhic victory


Posted By: wofahulicodoc Pyrrhic victory - 09/24/02 12:21 PM
"Another victory like this and I am lost !"

Posted By: Faldage Funny you should mention - 09/24/02 01:45 PM
Cecil has weighed in on this today:


Posted By: wwh Re: Pyrrhic victory - 09/24/02 02:23 PM
In one of the Brewer quotes, Pyrrhus is said to have admitted that he thought the Romans
were just another bunch of barbarians. He knew nothing of their military tactics, and had
no way of knowing until too late that they were superior to the older Greek ones.
The Making of the Roman Army, by Lawrence Keppie, says first mention of "Pyrric Victory"
in Englsish was Daily Telegraph in 1885.

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