"I'm ombibulous. I drink every known alcoholic drink and enjoy them all."

--H.L. Mencken

Mencken also called bootleggers booticians and coined boozehound.


Your Happy Epeolatrist!

So did ombibulous ever officially enter the language?
I tried OneLook, Forthright, Google, and (ahem) Worthless Word for the Day...nothing. But, then, Google didn't hit the listed website until I tried H L Mencken drinking words instead of ombibulous.

Your Happy Epeolatrist!
Dear WO'N: Even the ombibulist has to be on his guard. Take the case of the guy who pounded on the door of a tavern hours after it had closed, until owner opened upstairs window. The guy below demanded a quart of half-and-half. A brief delay, and the owner opened the door and handed out a pitcher. The drunk took a draft and screamed "That's piss!" "Right," said the owner. "Half mine and half my wife's."

>So did ombibulous ever officially enter the language?

this query raises a thorny issue: what determines when a word officially enters the language? but that would be a rather major digression, and we wouldn't want to go there!

all I will say is that it isn't in W3 and it isn't in OED; but then neither is another menckenian gem, bibliobibuli (see wwftd :). on the other hand, and for what it's worth, both menckenian and menckenese can be found in W3, so I guess they're officially American English.

joe (unofficially) f.

p.s. - the updated OED2 (online) has: Menckenesque, a., Menckenian, a. Menckenism, n.
Posted By: TEd Remington Menckenism: - 04/10/02 08:19 PM
So there must be a Menckenism for getting a word into the language?

Posted By: wofahulicodoc Re: Menckenism: - 04/10/02 08:39 PM
Aitchelly, it's just been described !

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