Posted By: Bryan Hayward Can you quantify that Flounce for me? - 12/12/01 09:10 PM
I was looking in some technical specifications (American Society for Testing MAterials [ASTM] Index) and I was amazed to see the word "flounce" as a guide word. I always saw it in literature as "putting her nose in the air, she flounced out of the room" or something like that. In looking it up, the ASTM specifies two tests for "flounce" - one for mattresses and bedding, the other for "soft window decorations" (drapery, I'd imagine). I never thought of it as something that needs testing.


Posted By: Wordwind Re: Can you quantify that Flounce for me? - 12/12/01 09:42 PM
I wonder whether there's a flounce scale...something kind of in opposition to the mohs scale?


Posted By: wwh Re: Can you quantify that Flounce for me? - 12/12/01 10:53 PM
Flounce can also refer to technique used in dress making:
A strip of decorative, usually gathered or pleated material attached by one
edge, as on a garment or curtain.

Perhaps such sewed places might be damaged by dry cleaning or laundering, as stitches might break, and so some type of test might be appropriate.

Incidentally, this is similar to two meanings of "cleave" in another thread. The dictionary gives two different etymologies for "flounce".

Posted By: Fiberbabe Flounce testing - 12/13/01 07:05 PM
Here's what I would test on flounce, if I was a flounce tester:
Is the gathering spread evenly along the seam?
Have all raw edges of the gathered piece been caught into the seam stitching?
Have basting threads (for establishing the gathering) been removed or are any visible on the right side of the finished seam?

Occupations dealing with these sorts of hard issues every day are unionized, guilded, and otherwise credentialed - I can see why they would have use for industry standards!

Putting the "Fiber" back in Fiberbabe...

Posted By: Jackie Re: Can you quantify that Flounce for me? - 12/13/01 08:36 PM
Have I lost my mind, or was there a post here yesterday that listed several meanings of the word flounce?

Posted By: Faldage Re: Can you quantify that Flounce for me? - 12/13/01 08:44 PM
Have I lost my mind, or was there a post here yesterday...

Are these choices mutually exclusive?

Posted By: Keiva Re: Can you qualify that for me? - 12/13/01 09:26 PM
Have I lost my mind, or was there a post here yesterday...
Are these choices mutually exclusive?

Does you ASp condone chatting?
(to which I am crossthreading)

Posted By: Jackie Re: Can you quantify that Flounce for me? - 12/14/01 02:15 AM
Have I lost my mind, or was there a post here yesterday...

Are these choices mutually exclusive?

No, Faldage, they mose certainly are not! Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not after you...

Of course there is. Why right here on the Coke can I am holding in my hand it says 12 flounces.

Posted By: Bobyoungbalt Coke can contents - 12/17/01 05:16 AM
Cans don't usually say fluid ounces; they usually say fl.oz., which for a long time I thought meant "floozies".

Posted By: Jackie Re: Coke can contents - 12/17/01 12:32 PM
fl.oz., which for a long time I thought meant "floozies
And how much time did you spend peering into the can, hoping for a glimpse, sir?

Posted By: Sparteye Abbreviations - 12/17/01 02:02 PM
When I was a kid, it took me forever to figure out the meaning of Reg US Pat Off.

Who was Pat? Who was Reg? What, exactly, were they doing?

Posted By: Keiva Re: Abbreviations - 12/17/01 04:47 PM
As Richard Nixon (spouse of Patricaia) said (YCLIU), "America can't stand Pat."

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