Posted By: Flatlander D'oh, a deer, a female deer... - 06/20/01 11:37 AM
Over in Wordplay & Fun someone mentioned starting a thread for favorite Simpson's moments, and since I almost had a stroke I was laughing so hard at the syndicated rerun I was yesterday, I thought I would do it. The moment from yesterday's episode (the one where Lisa gets a crush on Nelson) was the one where Lisa has convinced Milhaus to pass Nelson a note in class. Nelson opens the note (which has been passed up from the back of the class) and reads, "Guess who likes you." He looks back to see Milhaus waggling his eyebrows and waving. Quick cut to a wailing ambulance siren and Milhaus being wheeled out of the school on a stretcher.

It's not nearly as hilarious when you explain it like that, but I was laughing so hard I scared the baby.

Posted By: Faldage Re: D'oh - 06/20/01 12:27 PM
Dough, what I use to buy my beer,
Ray, the guy that sells me beer.
Me, the guy that drinks my beer,
Far, a long way to get beer.
So, I think I'll have a beer,
La, I think I'll have a beer,
Tea? No thanks, I'm drinking beer.
And that brings us back to… (looks at empty beer glass) D'oh!

Posted By: Brandon Re: The Shinning - 06/20/01 01:28 PM
Willy: You've got it, boy, the Shinning.

Bart: Don't you mean "The Shining."

Willy: Shhh! You wanna get sued for copyright infringement?

Posted By: Rapunzel Re: D'oh, a deer, a female deer... - 06/20/01 01:37 PM
I love the scene where Bart hands out song sheets for "In the Garden of Eden" (aka Inna-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly) at church, and the organist nearly has a stroke trying to play it.

Homer: Remember when we used to make out to this hymn, Marge?
Marge: (giggling) Shhh!

Posted By: Fiberbabe Re: D'oh, a deer, a female deer... - 06/20/01 03:54 PM
Monty Burns, in the parody of Be Our Guest, See My Vest, from the 101 Dalmatians-esque episode:
"Like my loafers? Former gophers!
It was that or skin my chauffers..."

Oooh! That one kills me - and I'm a big fan of Flanders, particularly when the community rebuilds his house so poorly that he's reduced to profanity, Flanders-style:
The Flanders family reunion had me in paroxisms of laughter over Pablo Flanders':
"Buenos ding-dong-diddly dias, senor!".

Mostly, when I watch TV I walk away feeling it was a grand waste of time. Not The Simpsons... whose creator, by the way, is originally from my hometown of Portland, Oregon,Hi Geoff! where the streets include Flanders, Lovejoy, Terwilliger (Sideshow Bob's last name), and Bort.

Posted By: Hyla Re: D'oh, a deer, a female deer... - 06/20/01 04:47 PM
I was laughing so hard at the syndicated rerun I was yesterday

It can feel that way sometimes, huh?

Posted By: Flatlander Re: D'oh, a deer, a female deer... - 06/20/01 05:05 PM
I was laughing so hard at the syndicated rerun I was yesterday

It can feel that way sometimes, huh?

That should be was watching... but a bit of a Freudian slip, I suppose.

Posted By: musick Re: D'oh, a deer, a female deer... - 06/20/01 05:27 PM
We are out of BORT license plates...we need more BORT license plates...

Posted By: doc_comfort Indulge me - 06/21/01 05:25 AM
Homer: OK, what restaurant did we review?
Lisa: Well, we went to Pate LaBelle last week, how about that?
Homer: Great, now let me think. The food was ... *Homer tastes his food-stained shirt to remind himself of the restaurant* ... was not un-delicious
Lisa: *typing* The food is delicious.
Homer: Ooh! That's brilliant! And they had this sweet, sweet chocolate mousse. Really, the only word to describe it is ... *drools lustily*
Lisa: Hmm. What's the English equivalent for [imitates Homer]? I'd say ... transcendent.
Homer: How about groin-grabbingly transcendent?
Lisa: Uh ... I don't think so.
Homer: We make a good team. A groin-grabbingly good team!
*... a little later ...*
Lisa: 497 ... 498 words.
Homer: How about screw Flanders!
Lisa: Bon Appetite!
Homer: Ah, they're both good.

From "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?", Series 11
For all the scripts http://www.snpp.com/guides/ql.html

Posted By: musick Post deleted by musick - 09/04/01 04:24 PM
Posted By: Keiva Re: Burns, burned - 09/04/01 04:56 PM
Mr. Burns: "Well Marge, when you painted that nude portrait of me, I'm grateful that at least you didn't make fun of my genitalia." (walks away)
Marge, turning to Homer: (quizzical look)"I thought I did."

Ah, a show with something for all ages.

And then there's the drug Bart takes to control his hyperactivity: Focusin.

Posted By: Chemeng1992 Re: Burns, burned - 09/04/01 08:47 PM
I saw an episode recently where Flanders' wife had passed away and a themepark is built in her memory. Two adults (I can't remember who) were eating ice cream cones and one said to the other 'Oh, I see you like your ice cream plain too'. The other says 'No, they are all out of toppings'. Move quickly to Bart and Milhous lying on the ground, tongues hanging out, groaning while grasping their stomachs...Milhous says 'Ants are crawling in my mouth and I don't care'.

My most memorable Homer phrase....Homer dancing around singing "I am so smart. I am so smart. S-M-R-T. I am so smart" Does anyone remember the gist of that outburst?

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