Posted By: maverick Tired and emotional - 05/24/01 05:02 PM
Can you render me the meaning of these words?


Posted By: belligerentyouth Re: Tired and emotional - 05/25/01 08:45 AM
Judging by the taciturnity, nobody found these at Atomica :-)

'Egsosts' looks like a random conglomeration of letters. Some Carmarthenshire site has it. I thought you were our authority on Cymraeg, Mav?

'Batris' is a little more common, being a name (Greek?) and some StarTrek ship. The route of battery is also batri (ME), for what it's worth.

'Siocs' is some abbrev.

'Teiars', see Egsosts above

Posted By: wwh Re: Tired and emotional - 05/25/01 12:37 PM
Teiars = tires Batris = batteries egsosts = automobile exhaust components sciocs = shocks sustained by owners of property destroyed by floods.
Perhaps maverick is a dedicated environmentalist, depressed by trashed beaches and flooded homes. The words were in Welsh.

Posted By: wow Re: Tired and emotional - 05/25/01 01:51 PM
Clever you, Dr. Bill!

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen Re: Tired and emotional - 05/25/01 07:08 PM
Well done Dr. Bill - you made them seem obvious, which they weren't at all to me.

Posted By: maverick Re: Tired and emotional - 05/28/01 12:32 AM
Yes, well done, good doctor!

I saw these emblazoned on the side of a tyre/tire truck, and it struck me as a fine example of loan words getting the makeover in a local pattern of fonetigs - ah, sorry, phonetics

edit siocs is actually referring to shocks, or shock absorbers (in longhand)
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