Posted By: plutarch ALAD-pedology-Day 5 - 01/31/05 05:14 AM
This week's theme is "misleading" words - words which aren't what they appear to be.

Today's AWAD is: "pedology" [Day 5]:
Please scroll down.

The AWAD for Day 1 is "diglot".

If you want to sound very diglot
You don't have to learn a whole lot:
"Bonjour" is "Hi"
"Adieu", "goodbye"
And "amor" is "love" polyglot.

"Love" is a universal language. "Amor" will get you by in all the Romance languages. Makes sense, huh? You can also say "amor" in english, without even speaking english. Love can make tongues wag in any language you can think of.

Posted By: plutarch ALAD-femme covert-Day 2 - 02/01/05 05:09 AM
Today's AWAD is "feme covert".

Some femmes like Pussy Galore
Keep spy guys begging amor.
But the femme you kiss
In wedded bliss
Is your feme covert, evermore.

Posted By: plutarch ALAD-tribology-Day 3 - 02/02/05 04:54 AM
If you need a degree in tribology
You might think it's group-think psychology.
But it's the study of wear
Which could need repair:
So think of it as lubricate-ology.

BONUS ALAD for Today:

How sad few greet each AWAD
Along with our new thread ALAD
With interest concernful
If not quite discernful
Thus creating an inciteful new fad.

Posted By: plutarch ALAD-nonplus-Day 4 - 02/03/05 06:09 AM
If you add one and one, it is two
Common sense says this is true.
But if it doesn't add up
Nonplus is what's up
And there's nothing you can say, much less do.

Nonplus is the same as "What's up!"
Posted By: plutarch ALAD-pedology-Day 5 - 02/04/05 05:49 AM
Pedology is connected to growing
So you'll need someone who is all-knowing
About Oscar and Bert
Or just about dirt
When you cast your seeds for sowing.

Note: As Anu has reported in today's AWAD, "pedology" is "mostly used when referring to soils, and 'pediatrics' for children". But MSN Encarta provides only this definition:

peˇdolˇoˇgy [ pi dólləjee ] noun

scientific study of children: the scientific study of the physical and mental development of children


Sesame Street Mural with Grover, Oscar, Twiddlebug, Bert, Dora and Boots...

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