Posted By: tsuwm hogwash® reduct - 10/16/02 02:20 PM

in keeping with the last round, here's a clue: this could be considered to be a crossthread.

as always, send your defn's via PM; entries will be accepted for seven(7) days.

well, over the first two(2) days, two(2) entries have poured in.
Posted By: Sparteye Re: hogwash® reduct - 10/19/02 02:16 AM
over the first two(2) days, two(2) entries have poured in.

Gee, if this keeps up, I might have half a chance of scoring some points!

Posted By: milum Re: hogwash® reduct - 10/20/02 11:48 PM
Com'on guys, I just sent my definition in to tsuwm. He was crying. Mine was only the third definition that he has received. Time grows short and our friend tsuwm grows unhappy.

Com'on! We can do it! Get off your duffers gang, let's put this Hogwash Reduct over the top. That's the spirit!

Posted By: tsuwm Re: hogwash® reduct - 10/21/02 03:34 AM
thanks pretty much solely to mile's gallant effort (his entry was actually the 11th) we now have eleven(11) entries. two more days to get yours in, if you are so inclined..

Posted By: Wordwind Re: hogwash® reduct - 10/21/02 10:48 AM
In reply to:

thanks pretty much solely to mile's gallant effort (his entry was actually the 11th) we now have eleven(11) entries.

OK, tsuwm. Explain the logistics to us here. If the thanks go to milum for his gallant efforts and his was the eleventh entry to go in out of a total of eleven entries, how did his efforts increase your submissions? I mean, did the entries that went in before milum's indicate that clairvoyantly the entrants predicted milum's gallant appeal? Or is there something else I need to learn about math I never knew before? Or maybe milum wrote that he sent in the third entry when, in fact, he was still in the process of creating one of his saga-daffinitions and it came in after he'd made his appeal that caused the lazy-bone lexicographical wannabes to write their own?

Forever confused,

Posted By: tsuwm Re: hogwash® reduct - 10/21/02 02:23 PM
ww, a more literal approach might lead you to the conclusion that his was the 11th entry, for which I hold him solely accountable.

p.s. - there are now 15 entries; y'all can desist any time

Posted By: TEd Remington y'all can desist any time - 10/21/02 03:55 PM
That guy's just never happy!

Posted By: Wordwind Re: y'all can desist any time - 10/21/02 03:58 PM
I thought that guy's "y'all" was kinda cute.

Posted By: of troy Re: hogwash® reduct - 10/21/02 04:22 PM
Re:might lead you to the conclusion that his was the 11th entry, for which I hold him solely accountable.

you hold people solely accountable for their words?
i knew there was a reason i didn't ever understand or enjoy hogwash!

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: hogwash® reduct - 10/21/02 10:34 PM
OK, tsuwm. Can we vote now?

Posted By: tsuwm Re: hogwash® reduct - 10/22/02 02:26 AM
I'm afraid that milosh would be very upset if I didn't stick to my promise of seven(7) days; so y'all will have to wait until Wen'sday. (besides which, it will take me that long to compile all eighteen def'ns, including mine, which I've yet to think of one..)

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: hogwash® reduct - 10/22/02 02:48 AM
all eighteen def'ns, including mine, which I've yet to think of one...

Yeah, right...[rolleyes-e]. Tsuwm without a definition is like a spider without a web.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: tsuwm without a definition - 10/22/02 02:55 AM
Yeah, that's true, Juan. Spider without a web.

Makes me think of a song my dad used to sing:

You'll be a lost ball in the high, high weeds;
You'll be like a speedboat without any speed;
You'll be like an apple without any seed.
When I'm gone...you'll be alone.

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