Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Virtual Magnetic Poetry - 09/28/02 02:06 AM
Premise: Do you like to make things up?


I was just moving some around when I first opened it and got this:

sin lick because clean burn be

Must mean sumptin'...[evil-grin-e]

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: Virtual Magnetic Poetry - 09/28/02 03:50 PM
Okay, folks..since nobody picked-up on it...notice the word pool provided is in keeping with this creepiest of seasons...

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: Virtual Magnetic Poetry - 09/29/02 02:09 PM
notice the word pool provided is in keeping with this creepiest of seasons...

Are you sure? What do courier, pink, monkey, sand, software, cushion and marmalade have to do with Halloween? And why do they have "butt" twice?

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: Virtual Magnetic Poetry - 09/29/02 02:26 PM
Are you sure? What do courier, pink, monkey, sand, software, cushion and marmalade have to do with Halloween?

Well, I guess they had to "leaven the pudding", so to speak.

Posted By: Faldage Re: Virtual Magnetic Poetry - 09/29/02 03:42 PM
leaven the pudding

The yeast, of course, supplying alcohol as well as carbon dioxide. Hence the expression "the proof is in the pudding".

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: Virtual Magnetic Poetry - 10/03/02 01:54 PM
Come now, Faldage - the proof is in the eating, if I remember my adages correctly.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: Virtual Magnetic Poetry - 10/03/02 01:56 PM
Far be it from me to second-guess or even try to explaing anything Faldage says, Rhuby, but I believe he is making a pun on a misquote.

Posted By: Faldage Re: Virtual Magnetic Chasms - 10/03/02 01:57 PM
if I remember my adages

Need a rope, Rhuby?

Or don't you hear that particular mangling of the cliché in your part of the world?
Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: Virtual Magnetic Chasms - 10/03/02 03:19 PM
Well, I guess they had to "leaven the pudding", so to speak.

Need a rope, Faldage? So to speak...meaning the phrase was intentional.

Inventing your own nits to pick now? Things must be slow on the nit-farm!

"The proof is in the pudding" has nothing remotely to do with "leaven the pudding", semantically...maybe "leaven the loaf". The phrase you imply is somehow biblically required here never even entered my mind. Double "huh"? Stabbing at straws, now, aren't we? (yeah, I know...the common phrase is "grasping" at straws). But you're stabbing at straws in the dark.

Posted By: Faldage Re: Virtual Magnetic Chasms - 10/03/02 03:35 PM
Need a rope?

Sure thing, Juan. Don't even need the whole thing. Just toss one end up here, I don't even care which end, and I'll give you a pull on up out the directment, there.

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