Posted By: Faldage architect, the verb - 09/11/02 05:57 PM
We've had our fun here before mud-wrasslin about the use of the word architect as a verb. I thought y'all might like to know I heard, this morning, the back-formed noun, architecter.

Posted By: musick Re: architect, the verb - 09/11/02 06:03 PM
Yeahbut ®, woodent that be spelt 'architector'?

Posted By: Faldage Re: architect, the verb - 09/11/02 06:12 PM
spelt 'architector'?

Mebbe. I jes oney heard it an it soundit architecter.

Out on bond so soon? I assume they are considering the death of the perpetrator to have been justifiable homicide.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: architect, the verb - 09/11/02 06:23 PM
and when, would you surmise, would one consult with an architector, as opposed to a good-ol' architect?
or was this in some entirely other context?

Posted By: Faldage Re: architect, the verb - 09/11/02 06:41 PM
I think it was being used to avoid confusion with architect, the verb. The noun architect has had its day. The usage was clearly indicating what was formerly known as architect, so your question, my dear tsuwm, is obviated.

Posted By: sjm Re: architect, the verb - 09/11/02 07:30 PM
>The noun architect has had its day. The usage was clearly indicating what was formerly known as architect, so your question, my dear tsuwm, is obviated.

So, who's gonna tell that lovely lad from Loveland that he's studying to become an archaism?

Posted By: Faldage Re: architect, the verb - 09/11/02 07:43 PM
studying to become an archaism

Come, come now, Sir J. Surely, he's not studying to become a noun. He's studying for a profession, irregardless of whether or not that profession does or doesn't have a name for it that may or may not end in a suffix that indicates agency or not.

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: architect, the verb - 09/12/02 02:30 AM
So, who's gonna tell that lovely lad from Loveland that he's studying to become an archaism?

No need, I see it *sniff*. I guess I'll just have to succumb to the wave of the future and change my profile . . .

There is one upside to this though. I can officially say I'm studying architectorture.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: architect, the verb - 09/12/02 07:07 AM
In reply to:

There is one upside to this though. I can officially say I'm studying architectorture.

Then that makes you the eventual architectorturist.

Posted By: Faldage Re: -ure - 09/12/02 01:02 PM
From Merriam Webster on line:

-ure : act : process <exposure>

From which we can

A) derive the verb architect on the analogy of expose>exposure


2) define architectorture to be the act of being an architector.

The study of architectorture sounds like torture to me.

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: -ure - 09/13/02 02:50 AM
The study of architectorture sounds like torture to me.

You have no clue . . .

Posted By: johnjohn Re: -ure - 09/18/02 09:35 AM
and a female member of that fine and noble profession is to be an architectrix....

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: -ure - 09/19/02 01:01 PM
Well, an architectorturoustrix anyway. A hooker with good but somewhat painful moves, I'd have thought ... there'll be a law against it, no doubt ...

Posted By: FishonaBike ouch - 09/19/02 02:49 PM
an architectorturoustrix anyway. A hooker with good but somewhat painful moves... there'll be a law against it, no doubt ...

I'd expect her to build a solid case in her defense, though. And she'd be really good at selling her points.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: ouch...symptomatic of the artless - 09/19/02 03:25 PM
Sure, architector = architection...all part of the ongoing process to make everything an artless enterprise. Art is passé, a dirty word. Dilute it, exterminate it...take the music out of the schools, make an architect a glorified contractor. Art is dangerous, it doesn't fit the plan of power anymore. The last vestige of free-thought. Art and culture was once looked upon as a requirement to earn prestige as a great nation. Now certain forces deem art's extermination as part of their agenda's expediency.

Jazzo, I hope you become a great architect...don't you settle for less!

Posted By: Faldage Re: ouch...symptomatic of the artless - 09/19/02 03:42 PM
the ongoing process to make everything an artless enterprise

The problem being when architects, in thinking of their creations as art, forget that they are also supposed to be buildings.

Posted By: musick Symptomatics - 09/20/02 06:10 PM
Art is passé, a dirty word.

What planet are you living on? You need to get *out more, Juan.

Posted By: Jackie Re: architect, the verb - 09/27/02 11:51 PM
that lovely lad from Loveland
Wonderful alliteration!

And, um, couldn't it be said that someone who puts together something like, oh, for example a word site, is an architexter? (Naming no names, of course...) <eg>

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