Posted By: AnnaStrophic How would you communicate with ETs? - 03/27/02 06:39 PM
This from CNN: The good folks at SETI are again looking for ways to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligences. Great article. Any suggestions from the broad base here?


post-edit: I've made a shorter link ~ thanks, wow!!
communicate with extraterrestial intelligences

500,000 subscribers, an estimated 200,000 "look-ins," and 3,000 registered board members...how can you be sure you are not now doing so? What better place to learn one of the world's most prevalent languages and study the "quirks" of earthlings as well? The Intergalactic Federation loves this site, I assure you.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Yikes! - 03/27/02 08:51 PM
Yo, W'ON, how do you do that 'Twilight Zone' music in this medium?

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: How would you communicate with ETs? - 03/29/02 05:52 AM
This from ASp's article:

SETI, a private nonprofit organization sponsored by the U.S. government, NASA and technology giants such as Sun Microsystems, has been monitoring radio signals for the past 40 years in the hope of picking up a transmission from outer space.

"We have to use the tools that we have right now to search for signs of alien life. We are very hopeful," Vakoch said, as he sat in the kitchen of the Paris house.

Well, they does say that hope springs eternal, don't they - or for at least 40 years!

Are you familiar with http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu?


Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: How would you communicate with ETs? - 03/29/02 11:43 PM
Ran their analysis program as a screen saver for two years, but they released a buggy version which crashed my system, so I dumped it. Could have been ETs in the works, of course.

With the vastness of the ether I do believe there must be life of some form elsewhere. However, the distances are so vast, that unless we discover extradimensional travel (like in Heinlein's The Time Tunnel) I think that contact of any kind has to be a very rare event, indeed. Although, over the course of hundreds of thousands of years of cognizant human existence, I believe this may very well have happened once or twice in antiquity. From all my archaeological studies, in my mind, too many signs point toward this possibility to totally ignore. One of the most notable clues the so-called Nasca lines in South America.

I also have a pet theory concerning extraterrestial life concerning the relativity of size. Since size is so relative in the universal sense of things, and so unfathomable, people tend to think in terms of largeness. Look at the size of the planet Jupiter. But what about smallness? What if there are microcosms of undetected galaxies and solar systems out there the size of a single cell, or perhaps even as small as an atom? And what if the most advanced life in the universe inhabits one of these microscopic worlds? Then they could easily be flitting their miniature spacecraft around us all the time, even into and out of our nostrils and ears, completely unsensed or unseen observers...or manipulators. The same could be said for the other relativity of size...what if the entire universe as we perceive it is just a germ on somebody else's laboratory slide?...hmmmm?

Posted By: Jackie Re: How would you communicate with ETs? - 03/30/02 01:52 AM
Oh, mercy, what a subject to tackle! I mean, I guess it's a good idea to try to have something in place just in case, but--there is no way to know, for sure, until and if they arrive here--or we have gone out and found some. Your article says, wouldn't it be nice if we introduced colors to a species that had never seen any? Well, what if they can't see colors? Then where would we be? I've read (fiction) that indicates that math might be best, since there are probably standard physics that hold true for any vehicles. But what (ha) if they have different symbols than we do? I'm thinking that perhaps simple pictures might be best (stick figures, planetary system), but what if the aliens can only see in 3 dimensions or something? Or like in Predator, by heat sensing only? There's just no way to guess ahead of time, despite Hollywood's and sci-fi writers' attempts to show us what we can "expect".

Of course, in my size theory cited above I'm still speaking within a linear reality. Ahshually®, I really think there are extradimensional realties we're unable to sense at our present state of development, and therein lies the source and key to communicating with extradimensional rather than extraterrestial life.

There's even a theory that UFO's are projections of our own Collective Unconscious, in the Jungian sense. An excellent book by Brad Steiger, UFO's and the Transformation of Man, explores this theory in a fascinating, and intellectually serious, manner. A great read for any UFO, Space, or Psychology buff.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: Star People - 03/30/02 03:12 AM
no comment necessary


people tend to think in terms of largeness. Look at the size of the planet Jupiter. But what about smallness?

Eek. Sounds Heideggerian. Is that a word?

What if there are microcosms of undetected galaxies and solar systems out there the size of a single cell, or perhaps even as small as an atom? And what if the most advanced life in the universe inhabits one of these microscopic worlds? Then they could easily be flitting their miniature spacecraft around us all the time, even into and out of our nostrils and ears, completely unsensed or unseen observers...or manipulators. The same could be said for the other relativity of size...what if the entire universe as we perceive it is just a germ on somebody else's laboratory slide?...hmmmm?

There's a cool sf book you might find interesting if the genre sits well with you. It's by John Forward and titled Dragon's Egg. I think Star Trek: TNG plagiarized (or 'adapted') it in one episode.


Posted By: Keiva Re: How would you communicate with ETs? - 03/31/02 08:04 PM
The Voyager spacecraft will be the third and fourth human artifacts to escape entirely from the solar system. Pioneers 10 and 11 ... both carried small metal plaques identifying their time and place of origin for the benefit of any other spacefarers that might find them in the distant future. ... NASA placed a more ambitious message aboard Voyager 1 and 2-a kind of time capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials.

But for an even more detailed record of the voyager message, see the official site,

Posted By: Keiva Re: How would ETI's communicate with us? - 03/31/02 08:58 PM
How would you communicate with ETs?

Are we asking the wrong question, given that we are searching for intelligent life (SETI)?

Recall that it is only very recently that mankind developed such techniques as we have for extraterrestrial communication (radio, for example), beyond simple eyesight. If one were to "rank" the technological abilities of all the various life-forms (however many there may be) able to communicate across space, we earthly humans, being the neophytes, would rank at the very bottom of the bell curve. The vast majority of the others would be, by longer-extended study and experience, far more able than we to communicate over vast gaps of space and gaps of culture.

It follows that our efforts are better devoted to studying how to detect their communications, not on how to develop our own. The proper question, I'd think, is not, "How would you communicate with ETI's?" but rather "How would ETI's

Posted By: Keiva Re: How would ETI's communicate with us? - 03/31/02 08:59 PM
How would you communicate with ETs?
How would ET's communicat with us?

Are we asking the wrong question (given that we are searching for intelligent life; (SETI)?

It is only very recently that mankind developed the techniques as we have for extraterrestrial communication (radio, for example), other than simple eyesight. If one "ranked" the technological abilities of the various life-forms (however many there may be) that can communicate across space, we earthly humans, being the neophytes, would rank at the very bottom of the bell curve. The vast majority would be, by longer-extended study and experience, far more able than we to communicate over vast gaps of space and of culture.

It follows that our efforts are better devoted to studying how to detect their communications, not how to develop our own. The proper question, I'd think, is not, "How would you communicate with ETI's?" but rather "How would ETI's communicate with us?" Considering that question, we are better able to set up facilities appropriate to detect whatever communications may be coming our way.

In other words, it would be more efficient for us to work on optimizing our ability to listen, not our ability to talk.

Posted By: Bobyoungbalt Re: How would you communicate with ETs? - 04/01/02 03:12 AM
There have been lots of attempts to anwer the communications problem in works of fiction.

One of the most readable was that of C.S. Lewis, who was a professional philologist, a theologian by avocation. In the first book of his sci-fi trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet, his hero, Ransom, has to learn the language of the inhabitants of another planet which turns out to be Mars. Ransom is also a philologist and works it out on philological principles. Quite interesting. In the second of the series, Perelandra, he carries this a bit further and posits a theory that there is an original language common to the entire universe.

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: How would you communicate with ETs? - 04/01/02 04:44 AM
Shades of Noam Chomsky ... but he recanted. Fortunately AFTER I'd written my dissertation!

edit I've now had a number of PMs asking what the hey I meant by the remark above. It was in response to posits a theory that there is an original language common to the entire universe

Noam Chomsky posited the concept that there is a universal meaning to language, an underlying structure which we use because we's human. No one ever found the structure, and Chomsky later said he was probably wrong. That's all!

Posted By: musick Re: How would you communicate with ETs? - 04/01/02 05:48 PM
How would you communicate with ETs?

With a *scat singing voice, as it is devoid of any specific meaning represented by "languages", yet it, in combination with my emotional "*whys"Hi, Jackie, would render the clearest, unmisinterpretable messsage.

Scat being used here in the most general sense... if one needs to gauge *levels of scat.

Posted By: Jackie Re: How would you communicate with ETs? - 04/01/02 06:14 PM
levels of scat
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