Posted By: Sparteye football aptronym - 01/02/02 03:59 PM
Linebacker for the University of Oregon Ducks: Wesly Mallard.


Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: football aptronym - 01/03/02 12:04 PM
Poor chap! Wouldn't it be terrible if he received an injury that made it difficult for him to walk?

And could you keep a straight face whilst you invited him to play whist?

However, if he ever feels unwanted or unloved, he can come to the UK and join a Steam Locomotive preservation society!

Posted By: Jackie Re: football aptronym - 01/03/02 12:20 PM
Poor chap! Wouldn't it be terrible if he received an injury that made it difficult for him to walk?
Oh, to him it'd prolly be like water off a duck's back...

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: football aptronym - 01/03/02 12:27 PM
I dunno - I think it might give him a deceitful walk.
It seems probable that he would weave his way on tangled webs . . .

Posted By: tsuwm Re: if it walks like a duck... - 01/03/02 02:10 PM
...or you might say "wimble-wamble". [no whiter than the average duck] (hi dubious!) [/unwhitened]

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: if it walks like a duck... - 01/03/02 02:18 PM
wambling seems appropriate, but I'm not so sure about wimbling - that sounds like a boring occupation to me.

Perhaps ducking and diving would be a better description?

Posted By: tsuwm Re: wimble-wamble - 01/03/02 03:30 PM
>not so sure about wimbling - that sounds like a boring occupation

yeahbut, in wimble-wamble it's supposedly a reduplication of wamble and nothing to do with wimbling atall.
OED gives it as Brit. dialect meaning to roll about in walking; evidently not where you are.

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: wimble-wamble - 01/03/02 04:04 PM
Nay, lad; reaund 'ere tha's mo' like to 'ear 'em say, "weighvin."

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: football aptronym - 01/03/02 08:12 PM

He must be a mean quackler! so go ahead and shoot me, quackle instead of tackle, get it?

Posted By: Jackie Re: football aptronym - 01/04/02 03:36 AM
It seems probable that he would weave his way on tangled webs . . .
Well, if his webs got tangled (good one!), he'd weeble and he'd wobble and he would fall down. Hmm...how much wood could a wood duck duck if a wood duck could and would duck wood? (Oh my stars, folks, she's gone to stream-of-consciousness again!)

What does one wood duck say to another? "Wood you like to go out with me?" What does a wood duck say to a wood duck decoy? "Why don't you answer me? What are you, a wooden-head?" What does a wood duck do to ward off bad luck? Knocks on wood, of course!

Posted By: musick Re: football aptronym - 01/05/02 07:07 PM
How did the mallard cross the road?

Via duct.Not via an elephant.

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