Posted By: Bingley Talud, the results - 07/03/01 07:03 AM
1. A government bill rendered useless by the main provisions. rodward 1 vote

2. A headpiece, similar to a fillet, worn by certain gods of classical mythology. Sparteye 1 vote

3. A short, steep slope formed gradually at the bottom edge of a sloping field as material piles up against a hedge or other barrier. the correct answer guessed by jazzoctopus (2 points), squid (2 points), juan (1/2 of onlooker juanmaria so 1/2 a point), and tsuwm (2 points)

4. The particulate material that is filtered out during the process of making "lambanog", a vodka-like drink made out of naturally fermented and distilled coconut sap.
wordcrazy 1 vote

5. Something threatening or dreadful represented figuratively as a thunderstorm. tsuwm 0 votes

6. The metal ring or loop of leather used to attach the jesses to the stand or to the falconer's glove. hyla 3 votes

7. In ancient Rome, a long squat stone table which served as an altar for ritual sacrifices by vestal virgins. caradea 0 votes

8. The first copy of the 10 commandments, which was broken by Moses in anger. from Pennsylvania 1 vote

9. a rocky outcropping formed at the perimeter of a valley through water erosion around stones, trees and other natural occurrences. squid 2 votes

10. A cold store created in rocky crevices, which according to Syrian tradition was cooled by evaporation. maverick 1 vote

11. The cuticle of a talon.Whitman O'Neill 0 votes

12. A rocky slope, specifically one descending from an excavated coal mine. Jazzoctopus 3 votes

13. A disease of reindeer similar to mange. Bingley 1 vote

The total scores to date are therefore:

Bingley.................... 16 + 1 = 17
tsuwm......................14 + 2 = 16
Sparteye...................11 +1 = 12
rodward.................... 10 + 1 = 11
wordcrazy.................8 + 1 =9
Hyla...........................3 + 3 = 6
Alex Williams..............+1=1
from Pennsylvania ... +1 =1
Juanmaria ............... +1/2 = 1/2

Posted By: wwh Re: Talud, the results - 07/03/01 05:22 PM
I went back to Internet and found that English "continental slope" is in Spanish " talud intercontinental"

Dear Bingley: how about posting the words that fit the other definitions given?.

Posted By: Bingley Re: Talud, the results - 07/04/01 04:12 AM
Other than the correct definition, most of the references to talud I found by googling were in Spanish and referred to a slope of one kind or another. I actually became interested in this word when I was looking for the Indonesian word talud, which seems to mean a dyke or protective embankment of some kind. I was trying to get a more precise meaning by looking at it in different contexts and that's when I found the English and Spanish meanings. Presumably it came to Indonesian via Dutch, but I haven't found any Dutch sources.

Does anybody have words to correspond with the other definitions given?

Posted By: Sparteye Re: Talud, the results - 07/04/01 09:11 PM
My definition (classical mythology head gear) is made up of free particles.

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: Talud, the results - 07/05/01 01:31 PM
Does anybody have words to correspond with the other definitions given?

Well, this is from Merriam-Webster:

Main Entry: 1ta·lus
Pronunciation: 'tA-l&s, 'ta-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Latin talutium slope indicating presence of gold under the soil
Date: 1645
1 : a slope formed especially by an accumulation of rock debris
2 : rock debris at the base of a cliff

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