Posted By: tsuwm dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 03:46 AM
colluctation - the definitions
choose one:

a) lit. ‘locked together’, used to describe the doctrinal debates when Anglican bishops were unable to reach agreement
b) [deleted]
c) a subcutaneous deposit of collagen
d) [deleted]
e) [theatre] the best possible combination of lights to express a particular mood in a theatrical piece
f) the staining which occurs on the inside of clerical collars
g) wrestling or struggling together; strife, conflict, opposition
h) a group of small sea creatures
i) the act of combining dissimilar metals into an alloy
j) mourning together; mutual sorrow
k) the constant eruption of archetypes into personal consciousness from the Collective Unconscious as per Carl Jung
l) the act of square-dance calling

1. the players are Bingley, paulb, Geoff, wwh, Sparteye, Flatlander, maverick, jimthedog, WhitmanO'Neill and Fiberbabe (with a guest appearance by the moderator)
2. Geoff and wwh flirted with the true meaning, although their respective definitions weren't really near each other -- in the interest of the game I'm deleting their entries and awarding each 1.5 points. there's a lesson here somewhere.... (unfortunately, there is only one court of appeals: that would be me)
3. maverick flirted with out-and-out disqualification by submitting three(3) definitions. instead of that, I picked one, but just see if he gets any points.
4. as a result of all of the above, we have ten (10) contesting definitions.

voting may commence and the polls will remain open for forty-eight(48) hours, or until the supreme court (me again) rules elsewise. remember, anyone can vote -- more points for the players!

Posted By: jimthedog Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 08:30 AM

Posted By: Avy Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 09:21 AM
I would have liked to participate. But since I missed that I'll vote instead.

My vote also goes to E.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 09:34 AM
i) the act of combining dissimilar metals into an alloy

Posted By: 3.14159 Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 10:15 AM
I wasn't able to give a defenition, but I will vote for E).

Posted By: rodward Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 10:25 AM
I vote for E

My entry missed the new cut off time, in fact I saw these answers before I saw the new cut off which made me think it was Thursday! This week is confused enough already! Never mind, I will just have to reuse the definition somehow in another round.

BBC TV has had (and still has) the game "Call My Bluff" for longer than I can remember which has 3 definitions and the opposing team has to choose the correct one.


Posted By: Fiberbabe Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 10:46 AM
I'll go for G.

Posted By: Bean Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 10:53 AM
I like i).

Posted By: Sparteye Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 11:23 AM
i) the act of combining dissimilar metals into an alloy

<And if f) isn't the real definition, I want to know which perv came up with it. Yuck.>

Posted By: maverick Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 12:19 PM
Loved them all!

Locked together – hm, sounds plausibly dodgy, so I’ll reject it. Collagen – maybe not. Theatrical term yet I don’t know it: Col + Lux – no, wouldn’t mutate to ~uct, so definitely not the popular choice. Clerical unction – eurgh, I really hope it’s not! Wrestling – can’t think of many terms from this sport – hmm. Sea creatures – too cute, maybe. Mourning together: could be (another Latin col~ word). Jung – hah, good try! (was that you, Sparteye?) Square dance: fancy name, wouldn’t it be?

So I go with (i), out of desperation. Got a feeling this is a red herring though!

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 07:38 PM

Posted By: Rapunzel Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/30/01 10:45 PM
I think it's g.

Posted By: Avy Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/31/01 12:39 AM
We could have variations of dalberbash :
Maybe the whackiest of definitions (like Rhub's) or
start with the definition and try to guess the word.

Posted By: wordcrazy Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/31/01 01:16 AM
I'm in a melancholy mood so I choose j.

Posted By: rodward Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/31/01 07:30 AM
variations of dalberbash

in my student days and just after we used to play elbbarcS (MT) in which you were only allowed foreign words, swear words or obscenities, and invented words for which you had to make a plausible definition.


Posted By: Flatlander Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/31/01 10:47 AM
I'll say G, but I was tempted by the sheer implausibility of the holy ring-around-the-collar definition.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/31/01 02:38 PM
the polls will be closing on round 1 around midnight tonight (CDT). I still don't have votes from three(3) of the 'players' (Bingley, paulb, WO'N). Geoff had the audacious termerity to vote (by PM) even though his definition was disqualified for being too close for comfort. let's see what the guidelines have to say about *that.... [reaching for A&C Gaming Guidelines]

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 05/31/01 05:51 PM
Rather liked (k) myself.

Posted By: Bingley Re: dashitall™ - the game continues - 06/01/01 01:04 AM
I'll go for the collagen.

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