...your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to give me good alternatives for the real meaning of


Go on. Take a week! Replies by PM, not here.

This message will self destruct when you delete it.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc off to a good start - 12/21/06 12:13 AM
Three candidates so far, after just one day. Does that mean we'll have twenty-one by week's end?
I'll submit a daffynition when you splain your subject line.
Posted By: tsuwm Re: Hogwash-sub-n (where n is large): ONAPPO - 12/21/06 02:04 PM
he's shirley lost count, ASp -- I believe n = 79.
Posted By: wofahulicodoc (aside to AnnaStrophic) - 12/22/06 01:47 AM

I'll submit a daffynition when you splain your subject line.

It's a math term, for some unspecified number too large to to keep track of exactly. (I had fantasies of being a math major once upon a time in the dim, remote past.) Don't mind me, I'm still chuckling over the anagram of Banach-Tarski.

he's shirley lost count, ASp -- I believe n = 79.

No, he's wofa....who's this Shirley babe?

No, he's wofa....who's this Shirley babe?


The Shirley babe is Leslie Nielsen as "Rumack" in the movie Airplane (1980).

Ted Striker: Surely you can't be serious.

Rumack: I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.
Posted By: Faldage Re: Hogwash-sub-n (where n is large): ONAPPO - 12/24/06 02:23 AM
"Rumack: I am serious... and don't call me Shirley."

I forget. Was that funny the first time?
Posted By: wofahulicodoc Meanwhile, back at the ranch... - 12/24/06 09:24 PM
I have nine entries so far, plus the Real McCoy. There's still room for a few more, though, and then I'll post them all for the 26th, EST.
Posted By: themilum Re: Meanwhile, back at the ranch... - 12/25/06 10:20 PM
December 26, a day that lives famously in the annals of American history. Serendipitous? Maybe.

But I have never ever felt more confident of winning a Hogwash game.

___________ X ___________
Last call. Tomorrow we enter Phase II. (No, that's not a hint.)
I choose "G".

My brother used to have one when we lived in Milwaukee.

Happy Kwanza!
Nominations are now closed. Cast your ballots here.
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