Posted By: ParkinT A little Punderstanding... - 11/30/06 04:41 PM
Inspired by This Thread, I would like to solicit, from all who dare, what you consider to be your favorite pun.
It can be chosen because you revere it as the best or simply because it makes you laugh out loud.
I have two stories in mind that I would be hard-pressed to choose (one over the other).
What have you got?
Posted By: TEd Remington Re: A little Punderstanding... - 11/30/06 09:46 PM
Isaac Asimov maintained that this is the ultimate:

An elderly gentleman had three boys who started a cattle farm. The old man dubbed the place Focus Farm because it's where the sun's rays meet.

My personal favorite, though, is about Michael Ritz, an obscure librettist who wrote an opera about a man who trained moose by talking to them, ala Horse Whisperer. It was very difficult to put on the opera, however, because the stage directions required that all of the singers be thin enough to come on stage by coming down a ten-inch diameter chimney. Eventually, though, it was presented with this billing:

Mike Ritz's Moose Talking is sung by the Chimney Width Choir.

The fact that I dreamed up this atrocity is somewhat germaine.

Another I liked was my entry in last year's Bullwer-Lytton contest, and I was somewhat hurt that I did not get a dishonorable mention:

The reporter interviewed the Mexican from the Yucatan, who sat in a vast vat of Jello as he explained why Nicholas Cage continued singing, even though he received obscene gestures fromt he entire audience, wondering if his editor would allow him to use as the headline: Mayan in Jello says, "I know why the birded Cage sings."

And things are likely to go downhill from here before they go uphill. Just remember: You started this thread.
Posted By: pennyless Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/01/06 03:07 AM
I can't resist a good invitation. So here goes (groan in advance)

Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.

A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you but don't start anything."

Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted.

A dyslexic alcoholic walks into a bra.

A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says, "A beer please, and one for the road."

And, finally, there was the person who sent fifteen different puns to his friends, with the hope that at least ten of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
Posted By: ParkinT Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/01/06 07:06 PM
Thanks for the responses.
Here is my favorite (which I told just last night at a Toastmasters meeting):

Reputed to be The world's first pun, this event occurred back in the Middle Ages; during the time of Kings and Castles.
It seems there was a King, who had in his court a Jester who would pun on every subject (except, of course, the King because he was not a subject).
This highly irritated the king and eventually he had the Jester sentenced to be hanged.
The day arrived when the Jester was standing at the Gallows; the rope around his neck.
Suddenly a Royal page rode up to interrupt the execution. The King had a change of heart (likely succumbed to nagging from the Queen) and offered a pardon. The Jester's life would be spared if he promised to NEVER PUN AGAIN.
Faced with this tough choice, the Jester looked at the rope around his neck then looked at the page and said, "Well, no noose is good noose" and died happily.

I will wait for the applause and laughter to diminish before saying, "Thank you"
Posted By: TEd Remington Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/01/06 07:27 PM
Had a falling out with the king, huh?
Posted By: Aramis Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/01/06 07:40 PM
Should have thought to post that other thing here.

Anyway, this is considered [by one] to be the funniest gag ever:

A prison bus collided with a cement mixer, and ten hardened criminals escaped.

[Author unknown]
Posted By: ParkinT Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/02/06 02:40 PM
That is good. And very similar to:

A clairvoyant midget escaped from prison and is a fugitive.
The police warn about the Small Medium at Large .
Posted By: BranShea Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/02/06 03:31 PM
From a book.

"Imp," Lysa said coldly, "you will guard that mocking tongue of yours and speak to my son politely, or I promise you will have cause to regret. Remember where you are. This is the Eyrie, and these are the knights of the Vale you see around you, true men who loved John Arryn well. Every one of them would die for me."

"Lady Arryn, should any harm come to me, my brother Jaime will be pleased to see that they do.
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/04/06 12:32 AM
I think this is my favorite:

Mr. Denburg
Posted By: TEd Remington Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/04/06 03:32 PM
Now THAT is funny, Roger!
Posted By: of troy Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/04/06 04:52 PM
Roger that, roger! very funny.
Posted By: Elizabeth Creith Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/04/06 05:28 PM
Posted By: ParkinT When is it NOT a pun? - 12/04/06 07:16 PM

I think this is my favorite:

Mr. Denburg

A serious question:
When an image is involved (and critical to the humor), is it still a pun? Or is there a better word to describe this?
I ask because a pun relies on the similarity between multiple (usually two) words with different meanings.
How does this relate to pictures?
Any thoughts?
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: When is it NOT a pun? - 12/04/06 07:44 PM
When it's a visual pun.
Posted By: Alex Williams pun my word - 12/04/06 09:05 PM
(From the movie Rushmore)

Max Fischer: I like your nurse's uniform, guy.
Dr. Peter Flynn: These are O.R. scrubs.
Max Fischer: Oh, are they?
Posted By: of troy Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/06/06 05:34 PM
thinking of your visial pun, roger, did anyone see Conan OBrien last night?

because of some stupid regulation, he was forced (forced is not the right word, but it will do) to set up a web page.

i thikn the visual pun belongs there..
Posted By: tsuwm Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/06/06 06:09 PM
that link didn't work for me; but try from here.
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/06/06 06:21 PM
Posted By: ParkinT Re: When is it NOT a pun? - 12/08/06 03:00 PM

When it's a visual pun.

Thank you Anna. So, to answer my original question, this has no special label. It is simply a pun (created with a visual element).

Does this qualify under that definition, then?
Posted By: ParkinT Re: A little Punderstanding... - 12/08/06 03:05 PM
So, why aren't they photos of Mantees with large horns on their heads?
Posted By: tsuwm Re: When is it NOT a pun? - 12/08/06 04:17 PM

Does this qualify under that definition, then?

food::gas is a juxtaposition that has been used, without irony, since the inception of the truck stop.
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