Posted By: GeoffShac Flog-golF What is this? - 11/08/05 06:00 PM
I'm a writer covering golf and this year players like Tiger Woods started playing a smashmouth version of the game that was described as "flogging" by announcer Johnny Miller. It's a totally backwards way of playing the game, so it has been quite fun to point out that that flog is golf spelled backwards.

Is there a name/delineation for a word situation like flog-golf?
Posted By: musick e-man's name - 11/08/05 06:47 PM

(fyi - 'e-man' is my nickname at werk)
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: e-man's name - 11/08/05 08:44 PM
smashmouth version?
Posted By: of troy Re: e-man's name - 11/08/05 09:50 PM
when a knitter makes a mistake (and notices, before the row is completed, the knitter will "TINK" (un knit or work backwards) to the mistake to resolve.

(then the mistake is several rows previous they will do like a frog, and Rip-it, Rip-it--(which is often called 'frogging')

(there is also the dyslexic diety--dog..)
Posted By: Father Steve Re: e-man's name - 11/09/05 12:54 AM
there is also the dyslexic diety--dog

Didja hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac who tossed and turned all night wondering if there really is a dog?
Posted By: inselpeter Re: e-man's name - 11/09/05 02:18 AM

there is also the dyslexic diety--dog

Didja hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac who tossed and turned all night wondering if there really is a dog?

Or the dog who thought he was Divine?
Posted By: Myridon back slang - 11/09/05 05:23 PM
"Back slang" is the term I see used to describe this type of formation, e.g. riah for hair in Polari.
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