Posted By: wwh inquorate - 02/14/01 03:19 PM
An inchoate meeting should not be declared inquorate.

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: inquorate - 02/14/01 04:52 PM
An inchoate meeting should not be declared inquorate.

Of course not, Bill. It's a matter of quantity, not quality.

Posted By: Jazzoctopus Re: inquorate - 02/14/01 09:39 PM
ya know, there's a section of this board specifically for talking about the daily words and their respective themes. It's called, surpisingly, Weekly Themes.

Posted By: belligerentyouth Re: inquorate - 02/15/01 08:06 AM
Wow, now there's supervision here is there, with a bit of sarcasm thrown in.

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever."

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: inquorate - 02/15/01 09:18 AM
Ignoring the unseemly scrapping of the teenage members of the board, and considering Bill's declaration that,
"An inchoate meeting should not be declared inquorate"
, what I'd like to know is, if the meeting is inchoate, who would be in a position to declare the meeting inquorate anyway? (and expect anyone else to pay attention, that is!)
It could never happen in an anarchic meeting, you know!

Posted By: belligerentyouth Re: inquorate - 02/15/01 11:50 AM
I saw a film a while back which noted:
"The only meetings worth going to, are the ones that can't be held without you"

Posted By: RhubarbCommando Re: inquorate - 02/15/01 12:12 PM
It would certainly put paid to a lot of meetings, because no-one would turn up. sounds like a Good Idea to me (says he, with feeling!)

Posted By: maverick Re: inquorate - 02/15/01 02:20 PM
a section of this board specifically...

No, not scrapping - I'm with you Jazz, the board divisions make sense when followed!! Let's call a meeting

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Forming a quorum - 02/15/01 02:43 PM
Count me in, mav!

I've also brought up the fact that the board has different cubbyholes for different topics. I'd love to see the poor neglected "Weekly Themes" used more often, since this place is so full already, counting scores of fora (forii? Correct me, someone ).

Posted By: wwh Re: inquorate - 02/15/01 02:46 PM
It is beginning to sound as though a necktie party is inchoate.Desperately hope it remains inquorate.But the Weekly Themes are so little used, a post there would never get noticed. And please note the difference between "Day" and "Week". I believe in old show-biz dictum that every knock is a boost.Even if up steps to gallows. qqh

Posted By: Hyla Re: Forming a quorum - 02/20/01 05:35 PM
counting scores of fora (forii

If we're talking about multiples of this forum, or other like it, it would be fora.

I did a quick look into fori, and discovered it would mean multiple ship's gangways - which is probably not what you meant.


p.s. - I think I must never go away again - gone a week and there's 650 new posts! Sadly, I'll be gone next week too, and face another daunting round of catching up

p.s. - I think I must never go away again - gone a week and there's 650 new posts!

AMEN! I was offline for five days, and could not believe the sheer hubris of those who dared to continue posting in my absence. How dare they(interrobang)Nevertheless, I still find myself trying to catch up, hopeless junkie that I am.

Posted By: jmh Re: post-induced traumatic stress disorder - 02/20/01 07:45 PM
It's Ok folks. I'm off for a few days, so that lets you off a few posts [wicked grin].

Posted By: wwh Re: post-induced traumatic stress disorder - 02/20/01 07:56 PM
So, will we be inquorate?

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