Posted By: of troy blowing my own pipes - 10/24/04 08:41 PM
i used the term 'house organ'-- to define a (knitting) magazine that seemed devoted to one companies products exclusively.

and some one asked --why a house organ? and i sputtered..

i think it has to do with silent movies, and all the sound and drama coming from the music that accompanied the film.. but i don't really know.

why is a publication, that appears to be independent, but is actually published to advertize and showcase a single companies wares called a house organ?

(is Wanamakers to blaim?)

Posted By: Wordwind Re: blowing my own pipes - 10/24/04 11:46 PM
The 'house' is the single company; the 'organ' is the machinery that publishes. That's my guess. I can also see your own guess as making sense: the house organ's being the one in old theatres figuratively used to mean making the publication music of a single theatre. But I never have heard the term itself used for the organs in old theatres. An endearing term, if that's the old standard!

Posted By: Father Steve Re: blowing my own pipes - 10/25/04 12:35 AM
There are two quite distinct meanings for the term "house organ" occupying my head. One is a magazine published by (or under the sponsorship of) a single business to promote its products while appearing to be an independent periodical. The other is a newspaper, newsletter or magazine published by an organization (including businesses) for its own members, employees or customers. Related but different, eh?

Posted By: wsieber Re: blowing my own pipes - 10/25/04 06:15 AM
In German, the term "Organ" for a periodical publication e.g. of a party or an association is (or used to be..) very common. It used to figure on the masthead of the relevant Newspapers. This use has nothing to do with music. It is more closely related to the organs (functional parts) of the body.

Posted By: dxb Re: blowing my own pipes - 10/25/04 07:30 AM
The understanding here is that a house organ is a periodical distributed with 'management' sanction, primarily internally within an organisation (i.e.: in house), as a means of communication.

Two definitions for 'organ'. The first from M-W, the second from AHD:

4. A medium of communication between one person or body and another; as, the secretary of state is the organ of communication between the government and a foreign power; a newspaper is the organ of its editor, or of a party, sect, etc.

4. An instrument or a means of communication, especially a periodical issued by a political party, business firm, or other group

Middle English, from Old French organe and from Old English organe, both from Latin organum, tool, instrument, from Greek organon.

Posted By: amnow Re: blowing my own pipes - 10/27/04 01:49 AM
A friend uses 'organ recital' for the recitation of one's ills.

Posted By: plutarch Re: blowing my own pipes - 10/27/04 01:40 PM
A friend uses 'organ recital' for the recitation of one's ills.

That's a "woegan recital", amnow. [Can't even plant a after that stinker.]

Posted By: Jackie Re: blowing my own pipes - 10/27/04 03:01 PM
'organ recital' for the recitation of one's ills. Snort!
I have never heard the term house organ, and would never have guessed it meant a magazine. Thanks, Helen.

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