Posted By: Jackie 2 P's in a pod? - 01/31/03 03:27 AM
Could someone please explain the difference between parochialism and provincialism?

Posted By: modestgoddess Re: 2 P's in a pod? - 01/31/03 04:21 AM
I just looked both up:

Parochial seems to have the first meaning of "of or concerning a parish."

Both seem to share the meaning of being local, narrow, restricted in scope, limited....

Provincialism has the above as its primary meaning; as a secondary meaning it has "allegiance to or concern for one's province rather than one's country."

So perhaps the latter has a slightly broader scope of narrow-mindedness than the former...?! (assuming that provinces tend to be larger than parishes)

instant edit: nearly forgot to add that "parochial," to me, always seems to have a more patronising air than "provincial." The former is arrogantly ignorant/narrow; the latter is innocently so. Summink like that.
Posted By: wwh Re: 2 P's in a pod? - 01/31/03 01:38 PM
And there may be hundreds of parishes in a province. So if being provincial is being small time,
being parochial is being microscopic.

5ME parochiele < OFr parochial < ML(Ec) parochialis < LL(Ec) parochia: see PARISH6
1 of or in a parish or parishes
2 restricted to a small area or scope; narrow; limited; provincial !a parochial outlook"

Posted By: Capfka Re: 2 P's in a pod? - 01/31/03 10:08 PM
Parochial seems to be the expression of interest only in strictly local events. A lot of people here in England are extremely parochial and regard events that occur even a hundred miles away as being "foreign".

Being provincial is, to me, being a country bumpkin, a chawbacon, unsophisticated.

- Pfranz
Posted By: Wordwind Re: 2 P's in a pod? - 01/31/03 10:20 PM
I like the term chawbacon...images of a couple of chawbacons sittin' around and chewin' the fat.

images of a couple of chawbacons sittin' around and chewin' the fat

Do you suppose the Star Wars writers had this in mind when they named Han Solo's faithful Wookie companion?

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