Posted By: Diocles well regulated militia - 10/11/00 03:48 PM
What is the meaning, exactly, of "well regulated", as in the phrase "well regulated militia"? I always thought that the word "regulated" meant "supervised", or "controlled". If so, the 2nd Amendment would actually be an argument FOR gun control.

However, a gun worshipper recently wrote a letter to our local newspaper in which he argued that, in the context of the 2nd Amendment, the word "regulated" means "managed", as in a "well-managed business".

The OED seems to support my interpretation.

Anyone with any insights on this matter?

Posted By: belMarduk Re: well regulated militia - 10/11/00 06:35 PM
Actually, if you look it up, you will find that regulated means something is governed or directed according to rules or laws. A well-regulated militia follows prescribed rules (not necessarily rules considered legal, but rules nonetheless.)

I must plead ignorance as to the contents of 2nd amendment, and who the OED is (are?) as I am from Cda and am only vaguely aware of what you are talking about.

If you look through back-copies of threads you will find many good links to on-line dictionaries. You will no longer be at a loss for the definition of words.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: well regulated militia - 10/11/00 06:55 PM
>who the OED is...

the Oxford English Dictionary is the ne plus ultra of English dictionaries, although it does have a certain British cant... 8-)

Posted By: tsuwm Re: well regulated militia - 10/11/00 06:59 PM
...as to the question, here is more than you could possibly want to know on the subject -- but the point being that you really need to know all the history to know what the founding fathers had in mind by using the words "well regulated militia":


as with many things in the constitution, people try to apply today's English and context to twist things; not dissimilar to the eisegesis which goes on with the Bible. context, context, context...
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