Posted By: annabel misogynist - 05/09/02 12:45 AM
I have had a linguistic lapse! :( A misogynist hates women. What is its opposite, i.e. the word for someone who hates men?

Posted By: tsuwm Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 02:21 AM
this question seems to come up again and again. why is that?

Posted By: maverick Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 02:44 AM
this question seems to come up again and again.

don't you just hate that!


btw, welcome aBoard this ship of fools, annabel :)

Posted By: milum Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 03:07 AM
Hello annabel, welcome.

You did not have a linguistic lapse. Tsuwm deals in worthless words and the word "misandrist" is seldom used. Because in this modern world, men are not much hated.

There are exceptions, of course. - -

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 09:28 AM
Annabel, dear, I'm pleased to be the first woman to respond to your post. Welcome (the official welcoming committee from Oz will be along later).

Indeed, while you find many misandrists in this world, they do not usually act out their hate like the misogynists do. Hence the infrequency of the word. [double ]

Posted By: Alex Williams Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 10:08 AM
I think that misandrists frequently do act out their feelings but in a different manner. Examples of subtle misandry are to be found everywhere.

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 11:53 AM
True enough, Alex, but they don't usually break your teeth in the process.

Posted By: Geoff Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 12:29 PM
they don't usually break your teeth in the process.

Quite true, AS; they, metaphorically speaking, aim lower.

Good to have you here, Annabel. Say, didn't Poe write about you? Aren't you dead?

Posted By: Capital Kiwi Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 01:09 PM
I hope you said that Poe-faced, Geoff. Annabel may become a little decomposed over your remark otherwise ... *&^%%*&@# ...sorry, just a little coffin-fit.

Posted By: of troy Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 02:28 PM
re:they, metaphorically speaking, aim lower

Mmmm, let me think about this?

would i rather be subjet to cutting remarks? or a left cut to the jaw?

do i need to think about this? its big news when a woman physical attacks a man (see lorraina bobit) it doesn't even make the inside of section 2, when a man hits a woman..

but, hey, woman tend to be better with verbal skill, and she might get lippy.. oh, yeah..
[rant].. maybe we'll find one woman on the board who hasn't had at least one man in her life who left bruises.-- most likely not the man she is with now.. but sometime, somewere along the way.. Nice middle class, college educated, men, with master's degrees-- but somehow (it always the woman's fault) some how, the woman in their lives end up with bruises..[/rant]

Posted By: milum Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 02:59 PM
Indeed, while you find many misandrists in this world, they do not usually act out their hate like the misogynists do. - Misses Annastrophic

Yes, and the reason for that is that you ladies were assigned the unfortunate designator - misandrist.

It's understandbly difficult to get into real man-hating when at a Man Hating Convention someone calls from across the room...

"Yoohoo, - - Miss -andrist, Yoohoo, over here dear. We're doing some real misandry at this table."

No ! What you girls need is a real Hate-filled word like Misogynist.
Now there's a word that'll make you wanta go kick the cat. But most mosogynists, haven been properly raised, don't.

- -

Posted By: Alex Williams Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 03:10 PM
Okay, if nearly every woman has had bruises, what does that prove? How many men have had bruises or worse? The sex of the aggressor isn't an issue unless you feel that physical abuse against men is acceptable, but a "foul" when perpetuated against women.

Anyway, the subject was misandy, not violence. Misandry is an attitude. Violence may or may not arise because of it. A typical example of misandry is on "America's Funniest Home Videos," where they almost always show some poor guy get pounched, kicked or otherwise hit in the groin. As the guy doubles over in pain, everyone has a jolly laugh. Folks, that's misandry. If we were visiting some country where a video was shown of a woman getting punched in the breast or knocked on the vulva, and everyone else laughed, most of us would think it was a pretty twisted culture.

Posted By: of troy Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 04:29 PM
Re: A typical example of misandry is on "America's Funniest Home Videos," where they almost always show some poor guy get pounched, kicked or otherwise hit in the groin. As the guy doubles over in pain, everyone has a jolly laugh.

agreed-- which is one of the reasons i don't watch the show.. i don't think it is very funny.

it does seem to appeal to the lowest, basest humor, and while woman aren't as likely to be physically hurt in the clips, there is pleanty of ugliness done to woman and kids, too..

i don't know who it appeals to, and i am always surprized at the clips people send.. hear i am acting like an idiot-- and i got it caught on tape, and now everyone can see, i don't have the good sense that a slug has... but maybe, hey, i can get some money for personal humiliation.. and well, i could get $10,000!

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen . - 05/09/02 07:46 PM
Posted By: Wordwind Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 07:59 PM
Just to make sure that this word appears on this thread, for better or worse:


Best regards,

From AHD that shows misanthrope as the primary term:

VARIANT FORMS: also mis·an·thro·pist ( ms-nthr-pst, mz-)
NOUN: One who hates or mistrusts humankind.
ETYMOLOGY: French, from Greek msanthrpos, hating mankind : mso-, miso- + anthrpos, man.

Posted By: Alex Williams Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 09:01 PM
On Saturday Night Live, Mike Meyers used to do the recurring character "Dieter," the host of a German dadaist television show called "Sprockets." On one episode of Sprockets they featured "Germany's Most Disturbing Home Videos." Funny stuff.

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen . - 05/09/02 09:13 PM
Posted By: Wordwind Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 09:29 PM
Hi, Max...

I didn't offer misanthropist (or misanthrope) as a hater of men, but just as an umbrella term to be included in the overall discussion. Just thought, with all the discussion of hatred of women v. hatred of men, that hatred of all, in purely a clinical sense, would be a word worthy, unworthy as the concept itself is, to be thrown into the pot.

In the spirit of clarification,

Posted By: hev Re: misogynist - 05/09/02 11:19 PM
[fanfare-e] Here I am (but where's the rest of the strine welcoming committee? Huh? Stales? What's goin' on?)

annabel, WELCOME a Board! Sorry I've been a bit slack in welcoming, but have been very busy trying to sort out my rally driving career, and I've neglected this place for a little while. Don't worry everyone (I can hear the worry cogs turning) I'm back now, and everything's ok!

annabel (and others) we also had a discussion about a similar topic a little while ago which may interest you http://makeashorterlink.com/?F246217D.

Thanks for the heads-up, AnnaS, I would hate to disappoint!

Posted By: Max Quordlepleen , - 05/09/02 11:22 PM
Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: misogynist - 05/10/02 12:38 AM
Amazing, Max! I was thinking of that song when I saw your post! Great tune! But we left a couple out, so here's the complete lyric so we can make sure everybody gets hated equally!

The Merry Minuet
The Kingston Trio
Words and Music by Sheldon Harnick

-From their 1959 LP "From the Hungry"

They’re rioting in Africa (whistling)
They’re starving in Spain (whistling)
There’s hurricanes in Flo-ri-da (whistling)
And Texas needs rain
The whole world is festering with unhappy souls
The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles
Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch

But we can be tranquil and thankful and proud
For man’s been endowed with a mushroom-shaped cloud
And we know for certain that some lovely day
Someone will set the spark off

They’re rioting in Africa (whistling)
There’s strife in Iran
What nature doesn’t do to us
Will be done by our fellow *man*---

&rcopy; 1959 by Sheldon Harnick

The Only WO'N!
Posted By: Max Quordlepleen . - 05/10/02 12:59 AM
Posted By: maverick Re: misogynist - 05/10/02 01:05 AM
> my Dad's Kingston Trio LPs and listen to them with adult ears.

heh, it's amazing how formative these kind of influences can be, isn't it? I am sure my political view was skewed for all time by hooting with laughter at my Dad's LP of The Goons' How To Win An Election (Or Not To Lose By Much) - I can still laugh at the modern manifestations of their brilliant archetypes! :rollin

Posted By: slithy toves Re: misogynist - 05/10/02 01:49 AM
Along with the Kingston Trio classic, I'd give the nod to Tom Lehrer for the final word on misanthropy:

Oh, the white folks hate the black folks,
And the black folks hate the white folks;
To hate all but the right folks
Is an old established rule.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
Lena Horne and Sheriff Clark are dancing cheek to cheek.
It's fun to eulogize
The people you despise
As long as you don't let 'em in your school.

Oh, the poor folks hate the rich folks,
And the rich folks hate the poor folks.
All of my folks hate all of your folks,
It's American as apple pie.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
New Yorkers love the Puerto Ricans 'cause it's very chic.
Step up and shake the hand
Of someone you can't stand,
You can tolerate him if you try!

Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics
And the Catholics hate the Protestants,
And the Hindus hate the Moslems,
And everybody hates the Jews.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
It's National Everyone-Smile-At-One-Another-Hood Week.
Be nice to people who
Are inferior to you.
It's only for a week, so have no fear;
Be grateful that it doesn't last all year!


Posted By: Geoff Re: misogynist - 05/10/02 03:58 AM
Oh, the white folks hate the black folks,
And the black folks hate the white folks;

Funny you should mention this, since I just returned from a lecture by black writer/scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. He was talking about surruptitiously buying the manuscript from which his new book, The Bondwoman's Narrative was taken. Since he is known as a collector of Africana, he sent a white friend to bid on the manuscript. His friend was there, as Gates said, "incognegro."

Now, to address my earlier comment: The concept of "ball busting" is often broached by misogynists, though it's usually meant metaphorically. I have a theory that because women can use both the reasoning and the emotional parts of their brains simultaneously, whereas most men can only use one or the other, some men feel "beat up" by women's superior verbal skills. They feel fear, and lash out physically, since that's the only weapon they have to balance the power, or to regain power. This is not an excuse for physical violence against women, but a possible explanation. Comments, please.

Geoff, donning flak jacket and flameprof suit.

Posted By: TheFallibleFiend Re: misogynist - 05/10/02 01:00 PM

Sometimes, and somtimes it could be they are responding to superior whining.

Having spent my fair share of living in a trailor park and other unsavory environments, what I've witnessed in these fights (having almost gotten the snot beaten out of me on several occasions for being stupid enough to intrude in these things) is that both parties are pretty stupid. Very often the woman was literally begging the guy to hit her so she could "throw his ass in jail" jumping up in the guy's face and spitting in it. I don't discount other people's experiences, but I don't discount my own either.

One thing I've noticed is that women often don't play fair. They start on the whining, carping, sniping thing and guys don't know how to respond other than to hit it.

Of course this doesn't apply to every case. Case in point. I knew a guy for a year or so before I realized he was hitting his wife. (In fact I was pretty dense about it. I made some remark - really innocent, I had no idea - about a mark on her face to a friend [also a psych] and he looked at me like I was a complete idiot, which I guess I was, and said "Don't you know what's going on?" And I frankly didn't till the second he mentioned it.) I mean, I knew the guy was a prick, I just never thought of that. He was a professional psychologist. She was trained in psychology, but had no practice. These guys never made a scene in public. She was a total babe, too. Smart, good-looking in a classy Julia Roberts in Notting Hill kinda way. No idea why she stayed with him.

Well, you asked.


Posted By: TEd Remington The Merry Minuet - 05/10/02 01:19 PM
Wasn't it Mark Russell who had a song that ended each stanza with "And everybody hates the Jews."

Posted By: TEd Remington the word for someone who hates men? - 05/10/02 01:23 PM

Posted By: Wordwind Opposites? The Love People? - 05/10/02 01:31 PM
What do you call a man who loves women? Someone who is just plain smitten with the fair sex and how it is?

And what do you call a woman who feels the same way about the brute sex and how it is? (Just kidding, really...almost...) What do you call a woman who feels the same way about men--finds a lot to admire and love about men?

And what do you call a person who loves human beings--takes joy in our humanity?


Posted By: TheFallibleFiend Re: The Merry Minuet - 05/10/02 01:32 PM

Maybe, but I'm pretty sure Tom Lehrer did it before him.

I never liked Mark Russell's shows that much, because he was just not that good compared to TL. If I hadn't heard TL first, maybe I would have had a greater appreciation for MR.


Posted By: Geoff Re: misogynist - 05/10/02 01:33 PM
He was a professional psychologist. She was trained in psychology, but had no practice.

Here again is evidence of my belief that we are 90% emotion and only 10% reason. While I've not hit any women, I was involved once with a woman whose father was an alcoholic, and she unconsciously did her best to replicate her family of origin in her intimate relationships in adulthood. She would often provoke her partner verbally, and would do the "go away closer" routine, leaving her partner totally bewildered and frustrated. One (of three) ex-husbands was a practicing psychiatrist, and she had two Master's degrees, and was a respected member of a university staff. Clearly, intellect didn't alter the topsy-turvy behaviour. I, as someone with a similar background, was easily sucked into an intolerable, insane situation with her.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: Opposites? The Love People? - 05/10/02 02:57 PM
>What do you call a man who loves women?

"There are philogynists as fanatical as any misogynists."
-Thomas Henry Huxley
