Posted By: P8C another word describing 'sunlight reflection' - 04/09/11 12:34 PM
Dear all,

I have a question: what word or phrase describes sunlight that's reflected on your wall, sometimes in a rainbow.

I remember a.word.a.day many years ago that 'worded' this and it wasn't:

[*]light play
[*]light manifestation, or
[*]something with prism

Thank you very much in advance for you help!
Eduard (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

I recall a similar question being asked here and the word 'lambent' (which has been featured by AWAD twice) coming up, but also this:

"Sunlight on a canal is reflected up through a window onto the ceiling, then from the ceiling onto a vase, and from the vase onto a glass. Which is the real sunlight? Which is the real reflection? What is true? What is not true? The answer is not so simple, because the truth can change. I can change. You can change. That is the Venice effect." - John Berendt, The City of Falling Angels

but, as these things go, none of this is likely related to your quest/ion.
Oh, dear, Eduard--I have no idea of how to find it. I put reflected sunlight into OneLook's Reverse Dictionary; you can click here if you want to see if any of these strike a memory chord for you.
My only other suggestion would be to e-mail Anu. You can see the list of previous W's A D either chronologically or alphabetically; but to find a word this way you either have to have some idea of when it was issued, or remember at least the first letter. Good luck, and please let us know if you find the word: I'm curious now, myself! Oh, and wave to Branshea for me, will you please? smile
Originally Posted By: Jackie
..... Oh, and wave to Branshea for me, will you please? smile

Ha..I noticed that too smirk

Lambent from Latin lambere, 'to lick'
Now thats a good description, like Ts said, of how sunlight or moonlight ...is reflected.

Irradiant is when light is sent out.....

Rainbows are another story....of reflection, double refraction, water and sunrays.

Have you seen a rainbow reflected onto another surface? Thats interesting. I don't think I have.
I've seen it in a large glass building where all four
sides of the bldg. are glass.
did you take a photo?
I did, and it is wonderful.
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