Posted By: houstonb Rinpoche - 05/13/06 01:01 AM
I ran across the word, "rinpoche", in a quote in Peter Shweizer's book, Do As I Say, Not
> As I Do. It is in a list of terms like "rabbi", "preacher", "sensei", and so
> on. Amazingly, it's not in the Random House dictionary.
> Does anyone have a definition?
> - Stuart Brown
> San Rafael, CA
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: Rinpoche - 05/13/06 01:06 AM
here's what the Wikipedia has to say:


Rinpoche or Rimpoche (pronounced: rin-PO-shay) is a Tibetan Buddhist religious/theological honorific title.

more at: Rinpoche

welcome, houston!
Posted By: Elizabeth Creith Re: Rinpoche - 05/13/06 02:18 AM
Yes, welcome to the madhouse. (the lunatics have taken over the asylum....)

"Rinpoche" means "precious one"
Posted By: wsieber Re: Rinpoche - 05/16/06 01:08 PM
the lunatics have taken over the asylum.... - some are seen flying over it, though
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