Posted By: JDVegas recap - 11/08/05 02:33 PM
I know the word "recap" is short for something, but what is it short for?
I was watching american football. The announcer said he would give us
viewers a "recap" of the game. I know a recap means a short version of the
more interesting parts of the game. At work some of the guys I work with
said it used to be a term used by poorer folks who couldn't afford new
tires; they would "recap" their tires with new tread. What is recap short
Posted By: inselpeter Re: recap - 11/08/05 02:43 PM
recapitulation, or recapitulate

from Italian -- because of musical recaps?
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: recap - 11/08/05 03:05 PM
to expand just breve on insel, capo in Italian means "head" or "top", so to recap means to go back to the beginning, or to put a new cover on.
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: recap - 11/08/05 05:22 PM
>>just breve


Not to hijack JD's thread or anything, but since the question has been answered, I'd thought I'd mention that a local coffee shop offers a latte grande breve.
Posted By: TEd Remington Re: recap - 11/08/05 06:36 PM

recapitulation, or recapitulate

from Italian -- because of musical recaps?

For giving up again and again.
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