Posted By: AnnaStrophic trochal - 08/23/04 01:09 PM
I checked, and today's WAD is indeed related to the metric foot trochee.


You learn something every day. How about the other feet? Dyadya Vanya -- oops, varaha?

Posted By: varaha Re: trochal - 08/23/04 01:36 PM
Well your Greeks, and by extension your Romans, got by with iamb, trochee, dactyl, anapest, and spondee, but your Brahmans named their meters, more than their feet. Gayatri has always been my favorite: 3 couplets of 8 syllables each. (Can be trochaic.) See the Rgveda III:62.10 for a famous example. The goddess Gayatri has 5 heads, 10 eyes (looking in 8 directions), and 10 arms holding weapons.

Posted By: Jomama Re: trochal - 08/25/04 03:52 AM
Trochal reminded me of trochar, so I was surprised to see its meaning--looked trochar up and it's from a whole other
"family tree". So a trochal remark, i.e., is not (necessarily) pointed or piercing, just repetitious.

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