Posted By: Jackie FLOGging a dead... - 11/12/09 03:08 AM
"Click on a weight-loss, work-at-home or acai berry ad and you’re likely to land on what looks like a blog or discussion board. Regular folks appear to be debating the merits of the product – you might even see some contrary opinions. But in the end, the bloggers and their readers always win over the skeptics and persuade them to buy the product from a convenient nearby link.
Welcome to the “fakeosphere.” Internet marketing veteran and analyst Jay Weintraub says fake blogs – or flogs – fake news sites and manufactured testimonials are the fastest-growing segment of Internet advertising. He thinks it’s a $500 million-a-year industry – and he compares it to the explosive growth of spam a decade ago."

Posted By: tsuwm Re: FLOGging a dead... - 11/12/09 03:12 AM
okay, what's your hidden message here.. are you suggesting there's horse meat in Spam?!?
Posted By: Jackie Re: FLOGging a dead... - 11/12/09 03:30 AM
HA! No--I was just taking advantage of the fact that this week's theme is horse-related words. Flog, in this article's sense, is a new word to me; to say nothing of the concept. It just so rarely occurs to me that people are being dishonest.
Posted By: olly Re: FLOGging a dead... - 11/12/09 03:31 AM
fits in with the weekly topic...
Posted By: Jackie Re: FLOGging a dead... - 11/14/09 01:08 AM
SHEESH--I just reread FF's post of 11-10 where he had flog! [smacking forehead e] Sorry about that.
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