Posted By: Sparkle Eponyms - 06/08/09 02:19 PM
How lovely that I opened today's e-mail to see that this week's theme is words based off of people's names.

I completed this month's Kundalini Yoga teacher training last night, and we worked the entire weekend on Sound and Mantra, learning the words and the pronunciation, and the importance of them.

On Saturday we sat in a sort of semi-circle and explained our names (many people have spiritual names, not myself though), and we talked about what our names meant and chanted on them.

I felt humbled, as my name has never held much significance to me; I just thought of it as being named after someone (Carly Simon). After our exercise, I realized how much meaning is put into our names, and I look forward to finding the real meaning in my name as I continue on in this progress called life.

Sat Nam. (Truth is my Name)
Posted By: BranShea Re: Eponyms - 06/08/09 04:08 PM
Self-improvement author Dale Carnegie once said, "A person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
A rather bold statement. Welcome, Sparkle. You say you never thought much of your name, but I've known of enough people who even greatly dislike/d their given name. (I did) I learned to like it once I understood who I was named after. Personally I think it more important who you are named after than whatever is named after you. ( some disagrement with Anu's introduction)
Posted By: Sparkle Re: Eponyms - 06/08/09 05:38 PM
Thank you BranShea smile
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