Posted By: BranShea nosism - 10/26/07 08:45 AM
Today Anu himself took care of the first laugh of the day.

This week's theme: There is a word for it.
nosism : The use of 'we' in referring to oneself.
[From Latin nos (we).]
Mark Twain once said, "Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'."

That was before the days when most of 'nos' had become split personalities. I'm three.(does not bother me)
Posted By: tsuwm Re: nosism - 10/26/07 12:46 PM
OED comments: wrt an individual, the use of the word ‘we’ in stating his or her own opinions. Obs. rare. wrt a group of people: a self-centred attitude, corresponding to egotism in an individual. rare before 20th cent.

on the other hand:

the worthless word for [April 03, 2006 was] : wegotism

[jocular blend of we + egotism]
an obtrusive and too frequent use of the editorial we
(also called weism)

"Dr. Dwight," said an inquirer, "is it not better for
a minister, when speaking of himself, to say 'we,'
rather than 'I?'"
"I think not," answered the doctor.
"But it avoids the appearance of egotism."
"Ah, well," said Dr. Dwight, "I would rather have
egotism than wegotism."
- J. Gallaher, The Western Sketchbook (1850)

"What intolerable weism! more revolting than the
worst species of egotism!"
- Anti-Jacobin Review (1800)

Posted By: BranShea Re: nosism - 10/26/07 02:14 PM
Slow today,(sorry tsuwm) it took me half the day to see that weism =
we-ism and checking it a real dictionary word as well.

And that's the second laugh of the day.
By the way:

My left neighbour is four
The other one half more
The opposite neighbour is five
But that includes his wife.
no offense meant to anyone who is a wife
careful ,careful. Blame it on the rhyme.
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