Posted By: Stevo coining phobias - 06/13/06 10:24 AM
As we are discussing coined words, I want to express my opposition to the coined word "homophobia". The prefix homo should mean same, as in homosexual ; attracted to same sex. Therfore, homophobia should mean fear of one's own kind. The current useage is based on the slang term "homo" for homosexual, but if a word is coined from a slang term,, then it is just slang, and should not be recognized as a valid word. It would be the same thing if we coined a new word beginnig with anti that meant in favour of something.
Posted By: of troy Re: coining phobias - 06/13/06 10:56 AM
Oh an other prescriptive! What a quaint notion that living language should follow rules!

actually living languages do follow rules, just not simple ones. Watergate yeilded (and 40 years later its still is yeilding) "gates" of all kinds.

writers and the public 'KNOW' gate attached to a word can mean "illegal government action, or potential political scandel" as well as a door like opening in a fence.

and while homo mean same (as in homonym--words that have the same meaning) ita also has come in popular culture to be a slur, --just try calling some one a homo-(a slur i heard at least 45 years ago)--and you can have proof.

its understandable then that homophobia is around.

Of course you are dead right--(and will go to your grave being right, but won't have changed how language works when left in the hands of the speakers.

If it weren't for TV/Radio/Movies, american english and ozzie english would be well on there way to being different languages than UK english, much as french/spanich/italian are differnt language than latin. that what happens to living languages.
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: cornuphobia - 06/13/06 01:04 PM
Speaking of the suffix -gate, it recently jumped linguo-borders and established itself in Arabic. As for language out of control, perhaps it's time to establish a Language Academy by presidential fiat, act of Congress, or constitutional amendment. It would be fun. Use a greengrocer's apostrophe, go to jail. There are no such things as victimless crimes. Bob the Angry Flower can be the first generalisimo of the American [sic] Language Academy. A typo would be a misdemeanor and not capitalizing a proper noun would, too. Three infractions and you're off to the punctuation farm. Zero tolerence! Oops, tolerance. Here they come.

[Fixed by my own petard.]
Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: cornuphobia - 06/13/06 01:13 PM
> tolerence

you're outta here!
Posted By: Jackie Re: cornuphobia - 06/13/06 01:33 PM
the punctuation farm
Posted By: Aramis Re: Cornuphobia - 06/13/06 01:43 PM

...As for language out of control, perhaps it's time to establish a Language Academy by presidential fiat, act of Congress, or constitutional amendment. It would be fun. Use a greengrocer's apostrophe, go to jail. There are no such things as victimless crimes. Bob the Angry Flower can be the first generalisimo of the American [sic] Language Academy. A typo would be a misdemeanor and not capitalizing a proper noun would, too. Three infractions and you're off to the punctuation farm. Zero tolerence!

It is surprising who did and who did not write the preceding. Certainly sounds on track there, even for one ignorant of greengrocer punctuation and emotional botany [?]. A. had a cannon loaded with a too-familiar rant for another thread that sounded similar:

Sorry but intolerant Aramis found this particularly disturbing coming from one rumoured to be in the newspaper business, where the promotion of illiteracy can be wielded like a tidal wave. Where is this coming from? Must we shout from the rooftops? Everyone should run to a window and yell out, “I’m mad as you-know-where, and I’m not going to take this anymore! I.e. does not mean incompetent episode, illiterate example or even ignoratio elenchi! I.e. is id est , res ipsa loquitur!” This insanity must be stopped at any cost. We must call for Jihad against all who would blaspheme Webster and his sacred scripture, al-Dic’tion-ary, lest the Decline of Civilization bury us in ignorance! [The usual Channel 7 editorial disclaimer applies.]
Posted By: of troy Re: Cornuphobia - 06/13/06 02:06 PM
Sorry but intolerant Aramis to quote Amamis.
really i thought your 3rd person stuff was perhaps funny, in a campy sort of way...

but if you can't recognize that zmj was poking fun and writing tongue in cheek, that i can only think that you are serious about refering to your self in the third person..
or are you just one of Arimis's clones (the intolerant one)
in which case, could the real aramis stand up, and start using the first person case?

zmj, i know i am bound for the farm (where no doubt grammarians will grind me up for saugage!) can we find a special spot, too for the pompous use of the third person?
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: Channeling - 06/13/06 04:32 PM
What's Channel 7?
Posted By: Aramis Re: Cornuphobia - 06/13/06 06:20 PM
Don't know why it sounded like taking the Zmjezhd* thing seriously because [trying not to sound pompous] "I" thought it was funny too, very much tongue or maybe tentacle -in-cheek. Anna, Channel 7 is a fictional device, as in "This has been a Channel 7 editorial..." Sorry if it got too snippy [?]

* Translates in spell-check as 'Maxed'.
Posted By: Aramis Re: Cornuphobia - 06/13/06 08:05 PM
Clones? Wondering something similar about Anna portraits but only 1 A. has been here all along. At least campy sounds better than pompous. With such proposed re-invention, where would clever barbs from our consonant-heavy players fall?
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: Cornuphobia - 06/15/06 12:54 PM
For those not familiar with Bob the Angry Flower's apostrophe obsession: here and here.
Posted By: Aramis Re: Cornuphobia - 06/15/06 01:29 PM
He seems familiar somehow. A. must not be the only one to notice that apparent trend, especially with acronyms, like "SSN's". It is but one more frustration with the DOC. Thanks for sharing. [Still have not yet latched onto the greengrocer reference.]
Posted By: AnnaStrophic Re: Bob - 06/15/06 02:31 PM

For those not familiar with Bob the Angry Flower's apostrophe obsession: here and here.

Great stuff, Nuncle. Thanks.


re: the greengrocer, A. would like to remind A. that many small mom n pop stores tend to go wild with the apostrophe's on they're sign's.
Posted By: TheFallibleFiend Re: Bob - 06/15/06 03:18 PM
My issue with the term homophobia is not that it doesn't agree with its etymology. My issue is that it is a politicized term. There are lots of people who hate, dislike or otherwise disapprove of homosexuals or the idea of homosexuality, but who are not fearful of them (except under the politicized assumption that 'one only hates that of which one is fearful').

It's not nearly as abhorrent to me as the treatment of the objects of said hatred - which doesn't change the fact that the word is idiotic. OTOH, it has wide usage, even if it's something of a public relations coup. Most people have at least a vague understanding of what each other mean when they say it. It does carry that extra baggage intentionally included under its etymology, even if it were written as homosexiphobia.
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: best of breed - 06/16/06 01:30 PM
The usual bit one hears is that the word homosexual uses two roots, one from the Greek and the other from the latin, and that is somehow bad. At least the word, homophobia unites two Greek words.
Posted By: Faldage Re: best of breed - 06/16/06 11:34 PM

The usual bit one hears is that the word homosexual uses two roots, one from the Greek and the other from the latin, and that is somehow bad.

Probably from people who don't watch any television.
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: beast of bread - 06/17/06 03:27 PM
people who don't watch any television

Or folks who don't ride in autobuses ...
Posted By: Bingley Re: Cornuphobia - 06/20/06 05:35 AM

Sorry but intolerant Aramis found this particularly disturbing coming from one rumoured to be in the newspaper business, where the promotion of illiteracy can be wielded like a tidal wave.

How does one wield a tidal wave?
Posted By: Faldage Re: Cornuphobia - 06/20/06 09:19 AM

How does one wield a tidal wave?

Very carefully, lest it wash over you like a double-edged sword.
Posted By: Jackie Re: Cornuphobia - 06/20/06 01:07 PM
Very carefully, lest you drown. [cross-threading e]
Posted By: Aramis Re: Cornuphobia - 06/26/06 07:11 PM
One merely needs to induce the right type of sudden tectonic plate shift in the proper location beneath the ocean surface. A single-edged water sword should result if done correctly.
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