Posted By: Thomas Sanskrit - English - 02/06/06 04:09 PM
Sanskrit words is a good topic. I've been trying to find an online English - Sanskrit dictionary, so that I can type in an English word and get the Sanskrit equivalent -- in English alphabet -- out. But I haven't been able to find any. The only thing I find are dictionaries where you can type in/or get out sanskrit words in the sanskrit alphabet, which is not what I'm looking for. Does anyone know about an online English Sanskrit dictionary where one gets the sanskrit words in the English alphabet (e.g., one types in "compassion" and gets out "govinda" from the dictionary).
Posted By: zmjezhd Re: Sanskrit - English - 02/06/06 05:20 PM
There are various digitized versions of Monier-Williams' dictionary. This one uses the Itrans romanization scheme, which is pretty easy to learn. You can load it in a word processor and use its search feature.
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