Posted By: wwh gluhwein,gluehwein,glühwein - 02/06/03 09:23 PM
The dopey Scripps-Howard list had only "gluhwein". A terminal case of "Duh!"
In Frankfurt, as well as throughout Germany, one of the
true joys of the holiday season are the Christmas Markets.
These Christmas fairs showcase the German holiday
traditions. You may find Santa, decorations, ornaments,
carnival rides, and partake of Lebkuchen (spice cookies)
candies, roasted almonds and chestnuts, and of course,
Gluehwein, or Glow Wine. These spiced wines are
especially delicious when you have a bit of a chill, as, in
addition to their delicious flavors, they will give you a
feeling of warmth (a glow) from the tip of your nose to the
tip of your toes (pardon, but it is true).

In Frankfurt am Main, wie überall in Deutschland, sind die
Weihnachtsmärkte eine der wahren Freuden der
Vorweihnachtszeit. Sie sind das Schaufenster der
weihnachtlichen Tradition in Deutschland. Sie können dort den
Weihnachtsmann finden, ebenso wie weihnachtliche
Dekorationen, und Sie können Lebkuchen, geröstete Mandeln und
Nüsse, heiße Kastanien und natürlich Glühwein probieren
Diese gewürzten Weine sind insbesondere dann sehr lecker,
wenn Sie sich etwas fröstelnd fühlen. Zusätzlich zu ihrem
delikaten Geschmack geben sie Ihnen das Gefühl von Wärme von
der Nasenspitze bis zu den Fußzehen (ja, das stimmt wirklich).

Posted By: wwh Re: glyptic - 02/06/03 09:26 PM
5Fr glyptique < Gr glyptikos < Gr glyptos, carved < glyphein: see GLYPH6 having to do with carving or engraving, esp. on gems

Posted By: wwh Re: gobo - 02/06/03 09:37 PM
pl. 3bos or 3boes 5< ?6
1 a black screen used to reduce light falling on a camera lens
2 a screen to shield a microphone from unwanted sounds

Posted By: wwh Re: goiter, goitrogenic - 02/06/03 09:50 PM
goiter or goitre
5Fr goitre, back-form. < OFr goitron, throat < VL *gutturio < L guttur, throat: see GUTTURAL6 an enlargement of the thyroid gland, often visible as a swelling in the lower part of the front of the neck

Goitrogenic - from the Internet:
Goitrogenic foods like brussels sprouts, rutabaga, turnips,
cauliflower, African cassava, millet, babassu (a palm-tree coconut
fruit popular in Brazil and Africa) cabbage, and kale can act like the
antithyroid drugs propylthiouracil and methimazole in disabling the
thyroid function, so they should not be eaten in large amounts by
someone on thyroid hormone replacement who still has a thyroid.
It's thought that the enzymes involved in the formation of
goitrogenic materials in plants can be destroyed by cooking, so
thorough cooking may minimize goitrogenic potential.

Posted By: wwh Re: goldbrick - 02/06/03 09:53 PM
1 [Colloq.] a worthless metal bar gilded and sold as solid gold in a swindle
2 [Colloq.] anything worthless passed off as genuine or valuable
3 [Mil. Slang] a person who tries to avoid work; shirker; loafer: also gold4brick#er
[Mil. Slang] to shirk a duty or avoid work; loaf

Posted By: Wordwind Re: gluhwein,gluehwein,glühwein - 02/06/03 09:55 PM
Well, I could use a little gluhwein, messef, wwh, so where would I find a bit of gluh here in south-central VA?

Posted By: wwh Re:goniometer - 02/06/03 10:23 PM
5prec. + 3METER6
1 an instrument for measuring angles, esp. of solid bodies
2 Radio an electrical device used to determine the direction or angle of signals coming from a transmitting station

Not to be confused with the gonophone a marvelous electronic diagnostic device of the early 1940s.
It was a marvelously sensitive microphone incorporated in a urethral catheter, connected to an
amplifier and headphones. When introduced into the genitral tract, every time it got close to a
gonococcus, a physician with heagphones on could hear it go "Clap,clap!"

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