Posted By: wwh genialize - 02/04/03 05:13 PM
Here is a word I would never use. "genialize" said to mean" cause to be marked by
sympathetic cheerfullness, warmth and firiendliness." Whoever coined that one has
all their taste in their mouth.

Posted By: wwh Re: gentrification - 02/04/03 05:17 PM
Gentrification is another stinker:

" Gentrification means different things depending upon your skin color and your political beliefs.

Minority Definition: Gentrification means that more financially able "non-minorities" are moving into your
neighborhood and are improving their properties. Since the improved properties have a higher value, this also means that the
local authorities will raise your property taxes to the point where you will no longer be able to afford to live there. But cheer
up! Since you are on the government's "preferred minority/color" list there are a large number of tax-payer supported
programs which will help you "buy back" into your old neighborhood.

Non-Minority, Poor White Definition: If you are a lower-income NON-minority, gentrification means that
wealthier whites have begun moving in and improving their properties. Your property taxes will be raised to the point that you
will no longer be able to afford to live there, and you will be forced to flee to suburban locations even further from your work
opportunities. But since you are defined as "white" the government will NOT make any tax dollars available to assist you in
holding on to your home in the "gentrified" neighborhood".

Summary: If your are a minority, the government defines gentrification as "bad" -- especially if it means that more
"whites" are moving into your neighborhood. But if you are "white", the government defines gentrification as "good" as long
as it means that you have to leave the neighborhood so that more minorities can live there."

Posted By: wwh Re: geomalize - 02/04/03 05:34 PM

Ge*om"a*lism (?), n. [Gr. , , the earth + a leveling.] (Biol.) The tendency of an organism to respond, during its growth, to the force of gravitation.

Posted By: wwh Re:georgic - 02/04/03 05:37 PM
5L georgicus < Gr gebrgikos, agricultural < gebrgos, husbandman, farmer: see GEORGE6 having to do with agriculture or husbandry
5L (Virgil) georgicum (carmen), georgic (song)6 a poem dealing with farming or rural life

Posted By: wwh Re: geotrophic - 02/04/03 05:41 PM
Relating to the earth. Negatively geotrophic means that the young caterpillars move
away from the earth.

Posted By: wwh Re: geotropism - 02/04/03 05:47 PM
5GEO3 + 3TROPISM6 any positive, or negative, movement or growth of a plant or sessile animal in response to, or against, the force of gravity
ge[o[trop[ic 7jc#b tr9p4ik8

Posted By: wwh Re: geriatrician - 02/04/03 05:49 PM
The guy I see once a month.

Posted By: wwh Re: gessp - 02/04/03 05:55 PM
5It, gypsum, chalk < L gypsum, GYPSUM6 plaster of Paris (or, now, chalk) mixed with glue and applied to flat or carved surfaces or as bas-reliefs, etc. and then painted, gilded, etc.

A coat of this was applied to ceiling of Sistine Chapel before Michelangelo created his masterpiece there.

Posted By: wwh Re:geta - 02/04/03 05:59 PM
pl. ge$ta or ge4tas 5Jpn < ?6 in Japan, a high wooden clog fastened to the foot by a thong between the first and second toes

When I was in the Philippines, many girls wore very elaborately decorated clogs, which they would never
have called by a Japanese word. It used to amuse me to seem them take them off, walk barefoot around
a puddle they could not avoid, stamp their feet, and put the clogs back on.

Posted By: wwh Re:geusioleptic - 02/04/03 06:03 PM
geusioleptic - characterised by a pleasant flavor

Posted By: wwh Re: gibberellin - 02/04/03 06:06 PM
Gibberellin - a plant hormone which got a lot of publlicity fifty years ago for growing very
large pumpkins, etc. I haven't heard it mentioned for a long time.

Posted By: wwh Regibbous - 02/04/03 06:11 PM
5ME < L gibbosus < gibba: see GIB16
1 protuberant; rounded and bulging
2 designating the moon, a planet, etc. in that phase in which more than half, but not all, of the face reflects sunlight to the earth: see MOON, illus.

Posted By: wwh Re: imbricate - 02/04/03 08:56 PM
adj. - overlapping; v.i. & t. be or make imbricate. imbrication, n.
intricacy. imbricative, adj.Formerly muscles stretched by development
of inguinal hernia were shortened to original length by imbrication.

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