Posted By: wwh poculent - 12/13/03 12:30 AM
(a.) Fit for drink

I found this by accident, trying to find name of the crystals that cause the trouble in gout.

Posted By: Bingley Re: poculent - 12/16/03 04:57 AM
My doctor just calls them uric acid crystals. Purines are the stuff to avoid in food. Apparently they crystals can become permanent and form lumps under the skin, but I forget the name.

Posted By: wwh Re: poculent - 12/17/03 03:11 PM
Dear Bingley: I had forgotten about the skin involvement.
From the Internet:
"Although gouty arthritis can affect almost any joint, the first (great) toe is the most common; other commonly affected joints include joints in the foot, ankle and knee. Sometimes a lump of uric-acid crystals (called a tophus) forms in or near the joint or in other tissues, such as the skin. Risk factors for the development of tophi include advanced age, diuretic medications (water pills), kidney disease and many past episodes of gouty arthritis. The most common sites of tophi are the outside of the ear, the Achilles tendon, and the elbow."

Posted By: Wordwind Re: poculent - 12/18/03 09:42 AM
Something else to worry about.

What are the foods that have high content of these crystals so I can begin to worry about avoiding those foods, too?

Eventually I'll have a list that contains every known food.

Posted By: of troy Re: poculent - 12/18/03 11:47 AM
there is a partial list(of foods) in Words from Medicine, where the is a short (3 or 4 post thread), and rather new, post about gout..

Posted By: AnnaStrophic Gout - 12/19/03 02:49 PM
I understand asparagus is one of the biggies. I can't remember any others. (Good thing I don't particularly *like asparagus)

Posted By: Bingley Re: poculent - 12/20/03 01:13 AM
Pork, alcohol, seafood, oily fish, offal, legumes are the main ones.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: poculent - 12/23/03 03:38 PM
Heavens, Bingley! And I would have thought a diet of fish and legumes would have been a pretty good diet, particularly the oily fish that are supposed to be so healthful.

It's times like these when I read about still more foods that are bad for you in some newly considered way that I remember the New Testament edict (that I cannot quote) that all foods are fine for those who love the Lord.

Posted By: Zed Re: poculent - 12/24/03 01:23 AM
Regardless of the actual meaning of the word I don't think I would a poculent beverage at all appetizing!

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