Posted By: wwh desk - 12/07/03 10:06 PM
"When Doctor Walker had departed, the Admiral packed
all his possessions back into his sea chest with the
exception of one little brass-bound desk. This he
unlocked, and took from it a dozen or so blue sheets of
paper all mottled over with stamps and seals, with very
large V. R.'s printed upon the heads of them. He tied
these carefully into a small bundle, and placing them in
the inner pocket of his coat, he seized his stick and..."

What kind of desk can be put into a chest?

Posted By: Buffalo Shrdlu Re: desk - 12/07/03 11:19 PM
lap desks used to be quite popular:
I would guess it's to such as this he is referring.

Posted By: wwh Re: desk - 12/07/03 11:23 PM
Dear etaoin: Nice work. I never heard that before.

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