Posted By: wwh Italian iron - 11/13/03 02:08 PM
'No, of course not,' retorted the Old Soldier. 'Take your Dictionary, for example. What a useful work a Dictionary is! What a necessary work! The meanings of words! Without Doctor Johnson, or somebody of that sort, we might have been at this present moment calling an Italian-iron, a bedstead. But we can't expect a Dictionary - especially when it's making - to interest Annie, can we?' "
Webster's 1913 Dictionary

Definition: \I*tal"ian\, a. [Cf. F. italien, It. italiano. Cf.
Of or pertaining to Italy, or to its people or language.

{Italian cloth} a light material of cotton and worsted; --
called also {farmer's satin}.

{Italian iron}, a heater for fluting frills.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: Fluting Frills - 01/25/04 03:56 PM
Well, if we should ever need to flute our frills, we know now what to ask for with which to flute them!

Edit: I don't think this following image from Google is necessarily this Italian iron so-defined as fluting frills because I don't see any part that would necessarily--and more easily--flute a frill

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