Posted By: wwh Ixion - 11/09/03 12:06 AM
"'Contented?' he answered, merrily. 'I am never contented, except with your freshness, my gentle Daisy. As to fitfulness, I have never learnt the art of binding myself to any of the wheels on which the Ixions of these days are turning round and round. I missed it somehow in a bad apprenticeship, and now don't care about it. - You know I have bought a boat down here?' "

In Greek mythology, Ixion made advances to Hera, wife of Zeus, who eventually condemned him to be bound to a whirling wheel for eternity. Here is a URL about it:

Posted By: maahey Re: Ixion - 11/09/03 02:02 AM
So, Ixions are Casanovas?

Posted By: wwh Re: Ixion - 11/09/03 02:18 AM
Dear maahey: I never heard of Ixion before. He had much higher aspirations than Casanova, though his morals (if there was any such thing in his day)were no better. Imagine having the hubris to try to seduce the wife of Zeus! My recollection of Casanova is that he was compulsive about number, not status of his victims.

Posted By: WhitmanO'Neill Re: Ixion - 11/13/03 02:27 AM
And could we say that Rasputin dwarfs the reputations of both Ixion and Casanova?

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