Posted By: wwh smilesome - 06/24/03 10:42 PM
When I looked for "kibosh" in WorldWideWords, Quinion used a word that to me doesn't seem up to his presumed standards.
In discussing questions he gets about dubious coinages:
"Such enquiries are particularly smilesomered because I find several hundred words a month about which I could ask the same question in the dozens of newspapers and periodicals that I read for Oxford Dictionaries"
I think a word worker such as Quinion should have been able to choose something better. "Risible"? Please let's hear some suggestions or comments.
Somehow reminds me of old vice-versa about the girl who
and supper was fair and buxome, and at bedtime was.......
Is that "smilesome"?

Posted By: Coffeebean Re: smilesome - 06/25/03 03:55 AM
Dear Bill:
Are you asking for a word that means slightly humorous, such as to merely cause one to smile?

Posted By: dxb Re: smilesome - 06/25/03 07:40 AM
Like amusing, maybe?

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