Posted By: modestgoddess Regarding Rosten/Keiva "solution" - 07/05/02 04:26 PM
I was going to post this in the "Rosten" thread about a "possible solution" but felt it might be ignored there, by people who refuse to read ol' Keiva's tripe.

I'm with of troy and jmh, who DID post there: there is no need for a new board to ride on the coattails of this one.

Keiva/Rosten: This is, apart from the above mentioned disagreement, a good idea. I think you are wise to think of setting up your own board, and "playing" there, when you are obviously so unwelcome here. However, if you are hoping to set up a rival board, rather than a complementary one, you are sadly mistaken in the makeup of the people here.

People here, including the ones who like you, whoever they may be, are not of the weak, petty, vindictive character that would enable them to create a "fight" between two boards. I'm not saying that that is necessarily what you are hoping to create; but you do have an extraordinarily aggressive and combative nature, and I'm afraid I (reluctantly but realistically) envision you attempting to woo people to your board and set them against this one. I imagine people on this board would gladly welcome anyone, whoever they were or whatever other sites they visited. But if you plan to set up a boardfull of your own acolytes, and then send them over here from time to time to be shit-stirrers all over again, then I think you should be banned from the 'net altogether (though I have no idea how that could be achieved). And I wouldn't put it past you to have that lurking somewhere in the caverns of your mind.

I also think you misunderstand the whole vibration of this board, and you illustrate this in your "rules and regs" post below your "proposal for resolution." The "we don't need no steenken rules" rule this board seems to have abided by, seems to me the most delightful proof that anarchy can rule (borrowing an oxymoron from another thread! possibly even the "oxymoronmania" thread...).

You seem to want to dominate, manipulate and control everyone. Setting up your own board is absolutely the best solution to that. But please, just go away and do that, stop bothering people here who are not interested in being dominated, manipulated and controlled, and for heaven's sake, don't be sending buddies from your new board back here to create more Keiva-esque strife. I think it's safe to say we're all fed to the teeth with your shit-stirring. Why don't you just go away quietly (there is merit and honour in that - or there certainly would have been, had you done it long ago), without all this grandstanding and pestering of Anu and the rest of us? Stop expecting a free ride, stop expecting everyone to kowtow to you, get the info you need from Anu on the quiet (about where to buy the software to run such a board), and post info about your board with search engines so people can find your board that way, and LEAVE US ALONE.

Let us go in peace to love and serve the board.
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