Posted By: Keiva the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 03:45 PM
All 18 posts under the name "equalizer", a name created 49 hours ago, appear below, in full (titles in bold).

I would ask whether such posts are appropriate or desirable for this board, or in this board's best interest.

#18: Kenny's sham: Hey Kenny babes! What's this? Are you starting to behave yourself now? Where're all of your smart-assed comments which I love so much? Aren't you going to be your nasty self anymore and let me play with you? Or are you going to be the nice Joe citizen you'd like everyone to believe you are but which we all know you're not?

I don't think you'll be able to maintain this facade for long, you know. What does everyone else think? Shall we give kenny a chance to redeem himself by putting on his little show of restraint?
#17: Why: Kenny boy! You're back!! Am I glad to see you because I'd thought you were gone. But now you're back and I can have fun with you again!

But wait! Is that frustration I can sense from you again? What's your problem, Kenny? Why do you have so much frustration inside you? Is life so frustrating that you have to come here to vent your anger and wrath? Why is that, I wonder?

Problems at home? No? Oh, Kenny. It's not a problem in the bedroom, is it? Kenny can't quite perform? Mommy won't let daddy interface? So instead you come here to seem important (instead of staying at home and being impotent) and take it out on all the nice people here. What a shame. There are a lot of nice doctors who can help you with your physical and mental problems but they cost money, don't they? And this place is free. So you keep coming back here to make yourself feel better. But you don't do you? You just keep getting sicker and sicker and your stubborness prevents you from seeking some serious help. Well, too bad for you and too bad for all of us. Your sickness hinders us all but it doesn't need to, Kenny boy. Get some help and then come back here when you get better and we'll all be friends, won't we people?

If you don't get help then we'll just have to go on like this, won't we? And that's not a good idea. Oh, but maybe this frustration is the way that you 'perform'? Is this the only way you can get off, Kenny? Does it feel good after a heated argument? I bet it does. So you need this bitter pill to sustain you. You need to feel the pain of this forum to get a high, a rush and a thrill. To you this forum is like watching porn, isn't it? And it gives you your five minute thrill which you can't get elsewhere.

But that's enough for you in your empty life.

(continued ...)
#16: paranoid syndrome?: Oh, Kenny boy. And what do you call those 10 desperate efforts at attention seeking which you posted in Q&A? Are they there to stimulate discussion too? Or are they just a childish attempt to garner friendship? Are you lonely Kenny? Sad and lonely? Have you no friends but those you fabricate? I'll be your friend Kenny. Really, I will. You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Are you frustrated by something Kenny boy? I feel frustration eminating from your posts. What could be the source of that frustration I wonder?
#15: Braindead Kenny: Hey, Kenny boy. Have you run out of words to put in front of your quotations? Not even a limerick or a song for us? Tut, tut.

Whenever will you join the land of the living? What a schmuck you are!
#14: Re: exam ex am example ample: Oh, what witty repartee, Kenny babes. You had me reeling there. And was the smiley thrown in to make up for your lack of reply?

You're a blow-hard, Kenny boy. You can only turn it on when you're bullying someone. What a coward. What a loser.

(continued ...)

#13: Head up your ass!: And, yet again, Kenny babes purports to speak for the forum. By the 'virtue' of your latest reference your self-perceived superiority on this forum makes you a snob. And since few here admire snobbery therefore few here admire you. QED.

[quoting me]...

Oh, Kenny boy. Must I always have to point things out to you? This forum is worldwide! It's not just the US and to presume that everyone in this forum subscribes to the Declaration of Independence implies that you are being... what are the words? Oh, yes. Elitist and snobbish. And a racist too, for that matter.

Facts man. Get your facts right!
#12: X-bonus: And as a perpetrator, Kenny boy, nobody here condones your evil. Mad and evil.
#11: Re: the heavenly divine and an ephemeral moment: It is a shame that he has this much power over such a great group of friends. Enough to disband the group. I hate that the wisdom he has achieved has been abused to this end. I will miss the way this place was and the interaction between friends before he came here. God Bless You.

He has no power. He's a contemptible little man with no friends and no life. Laugh at the little man. He never has anything to say and spurts posts like a scratched record endlessly repeating himself. How boring can you get? If I were as drab as that sad man I'd end it all. Pathetic waste of space that he is.
#10: Things: [quoting me: I suspect I got tangled in my "little latin"." Keiva admits it. He knows little Latin. And little else besides. All he knows is what comes out of a book. He's a quoter, a plagiarizer. Basically a bastardizer of other peoples' work. A man of little brain and even less charisma.

(continued ...)

#9: Re: exam ex am example ample: Even someone as psychotic and braindead as you should be able to come up with a word longer than one letter, Kenny babes. Try doing it without looking in an encyclopedia or a dictionary this time. Or is that the bit you find hard - being original?
#8: Re: The beatings will continue till the morale improv: Is your name Keiva? I think not Kenny boy. Maybe in your head it is but who knows what goes on in that head of yours? Freud would have a field day with you. Some kind of maternally-deprived attention-seeking psychosis, I'll bet.
#7: Graffiti: Is this the best you can do? Quoting toilet graffiti? Sums you up, Keiva babes. Nothing interesting or original to say. But then again. You never did.

(continued) ...

#6: Re: The beatings will continue till the morale improv: You enjoy these beatings, don't you? The beatings feel good to you because you do not like yourself, do you? You need psychotherapy, but you cannot bring yourself to seek it out because you would rather feel the sting of disgust you come here compulsively to feel again and again.

Too right, archedbrow! If I were Keiva, I'd hate myself too. I bet he likes these beatings because he was bullied at school or he was beaten by his father or something. Don't you think? He's told us that his nom-de-plume was taken after his grandfather. Why not dear daddy? Was he not nice to you? Did he hurt poor Kenny??

Keiva has this urge to inflict his pain on everyone else and he expects us to lie down and take it. If he's not having a good time then nobody else will, that's for sure. Fighting back makes him feel superior but you are not superior, Ken. You are one sad excuse for a man, inventing your invisible friends and alter egos with which you use to converse and which you use to purport support for what you deem discrimination from the other members of the forum. You are not to be pitied you funny little man. You are laughable and your attempts to woo us by quoting latin and using quotes from songs and making up limericks are like a lonely child trying to impress an adult. How pathetic and utterly sad you are. Oh, yes. And if we don't listen to you then you throw a tantrum and cry foul by attacking our board members and even Anu who has given us this board for free. And if we challenge you you go all silent and say 'is there any point to what you are saying'?

And don't give me your legal mumbo-jumbo, Ken. You're not a lawyer. You're an estate agent. That's someone who sells houses. And you mustn't be very good at it either if you spend so much time here. Maybe that's your reason for being here because you haven't got anything better to do. Get a life. You certainly haven't got much of one at the moment. How pathetic you are.
#5: Re: The beatings will continue till the morale improv: Definite signs of progressive unbalanced paranoid delusions. Call for the men in white coats! We've got a fruitcake here!!
#4: Re: equal or unbalanced: My, my Keiva. Run out of smart-assed words for replies? Sing us a song, won't you? All your replies seem to be inane, thoroughly pointless lyrics and stupid poems.

equal or unbalanced?

I'm equal. I'm very sure we all know that you're unbalanced, even if you don't realize it yourself.

(continued ... )
Posted By: PissandMoan Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 04:03 PM
My, but this is helpful and productive. Will you be publishing these in vellum-bound editions?

#3: Re: Piss off Keiva! : Did you copy and paste this quote from somebody else? It could easily be applied to a humorless git like you. And I don't think ModestGoddess or ModGod is her real name. Tut, tut, Keiva babes. Get your facts right. You're losing your touch. Next thing you'll be losing your licence to practice law. Or hasn't that happened already?

Funny. You seem to think that I am female. Why would that be? Have we a little grudge against someone for a reason?
#2: Re: Bliss: [directed at modgod] Seems you've crawled out from under yours [rock] and come back to plague the board again. Funny how you returned just when Keiva destroyed it. What a coincidence.
#1: Re: Bliss: [directed at modgod]: Then listen to your mother and don't say anything at all. In fact just go away. That would be nice.

Posted By: Keiva Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 04:12 PM
PissandMoan says, My, but this is helpful and productive. Will you be publishing these in vellum-bound editions?

Harry Truman said, "I don't give them hell. I just tell the truth, and they think it's hell."

Posted By: PissandMoan Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 04:21 PM
Do you really think we can't read equalizer's posts elsewhere? Is maniacal saturation necessary?

Posted By: of troy Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 05:10 PM
Trick! If you want to understand what is going on, you have to realize, Keiva's behaviors are all just a bag of tricks. And the more you know the tricks, the easier you can watch him attempt to pull the wool over your eyes. (Like the magician who directs you to look hereand hope you miss the slight of hand going on here

Trick 1) a kind of switch and bait

Keiva, in an underhanded, deceitful way, uses others. He quotes others to show how he is in agreement with Person X, about the behavior of person Y, when in fact, nothing is further from the truth. He cutting back on this, because every time he does it to me, or to musick or to consuelo, we object.– and he would just as soon not have anyone notice his tricks.

Trick 2)the double standard
When its pointed out, clearly, without resorting to foul language, line by line, how his behavior is underhand, hurtful, rude or an out and out lie, then, keiva just bows out, and says the person who is doing that should sleep on it.. he doesn't apologies, he doesn't stop behaving in a deceitful way, he implies, that person is wrong (with out any of his long, details proof statement {see above}) and he is the injured party. he is hurt by some one point out the truth of his behavior, and that he will kindly let us drop the subject.

Not that he ever drops it, when he thinks someone else has committed a wrong.. no, then its gets harped on, to be 'helpful", he brings it up, again and again.

Trick 3, or maybe just 2 b, crying foul, when none exist.

When some one points out clearly, carefully and politely that he has been harsh or
nasty, he suggest, well, maybe, there is some merit, but he is not sure, and that he is going to wait for the majority to weigh in. if they do, and agree that Keiva's behavior is not pleasant, not nice, not fair, then he cries "foul" and complains."every body is picking on me" "poor me"–so the only "judgement" that he will accept is that he is faultless!

Trick 4, –Lets do the twist!

this is a subtle one.. He attempts to agree, when he really disagrees. And then attempts to get the other party to agree with him..
He sounds oh, so reasonable, and nice, but he is attempting to twist things.. He claims to agree, but he it attempting to get you to agree with what he wants.. You, or any one else in red, Keiva in blue
I don't want X! , of course, you don't have to have X, but i want x, and x is half the size of X, so surely you'll do x, it's a little request, just a small thing.. (and you'll do as i want, not as you want, won't you?) and if you don't cave in, he hauls out the threat.. or implies a threat..

he never quite says the words in italics, but they are there, unspoken, implied, as things can be in English

Trick 5, the best defense is a good offence!

if there is no defense for your actions, attack the person who has outted you.. and try to force them into defending themselves.. Which is how he "defended" ewein's yart, by saying its not fair and haven't i done the same.. Or by pointing out my spelling error when there was nothing else he could argue with in my posts.

trick 6--the implied sexual slur
if it's a woman who has bested you, turn the thread into one about words that reduce woman to sexual anatomical terms. Use trick 1, and quote someone else if you can. That way, you get to blame someone else (i didn't say it, i am just pointed out so and so did!)

trick 7- Change the subject,

not used very often, but if some one, say Jackie, clearly express the pain you have caused her, and speaks of her pain, don't apologizes, or acknowledge, but ignore it (after all he thinks him exempt from the rules he would impose on others.)

Change the subject, and talk about your own pain. he had to go back 10 year, to an incident when there was a shooting at his children's school. he kids were fine, but he was frighted.. and doesn't he deserve sympathy for his pain.. Ignore the pain he has caused Jackie and other, and feel for him.

Trick 8– or is trick 5 B?

When keiva's is losing, he launches a full out attack, with a new thread, and quotes and diagrams, and hopes that no one goes back and reads everything. Because he doesn't quote everything. He picks and chooses..

Posted By: Keiva Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 05:30 PM
Of troy, I'll be glad to discuss my behavior any time, but based upon specific data -- which your above post, unlike mine, does not provide -- rather than your sweeping generalizations. Find me one post of mine in the last two weeks that compares in nastiness with those of equalizer in the last two days. And then you can start an appropriate thread, based on facts, not on your loud allegations typed in red.

Meanwhile, I noticed that you are changing the subject from the legitimate question I asked:

I would ask whether such posts [by equalizer] are appropriate or desirable for this board, or in this board's best interest.

Posted By: archedbrow Post deleted by archedbrow - 06/14/02 05:38 PM
Posted By: Keiva Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 05:41 PM
dear archedbrow:

as said before, I notice that you are changing the subject from the legitimate question I asked:
I would ask whether such posts [by equalizer] are appropriate or desirable for this board, or in this board's best interest.

Immediate edit: As I said to of-troy: if you have points our your own to make, you can start a thread making them on factual basis. Here, you are merely attempting to fillibuster and rant to intimidate people from responding to a legitimate question.
Posted By: archedbrow Post deleted by archedbrow - 06/14/02 05:48 PM
Posted By: Keiva Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 05:51 PM
archedbrow, since you are pretty clearly a doppelganger, we have now way of knowing whether your "vote" merely duplicates that of another board member, or is the vote of one who has left the board. I will check to see whether, in your brief tenure, you have posted anything other than personal attacks. Edit: upon checking, 7 of your 8 posts dealt with the personal matteryou bring up now.

Posted By: RawNerve Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 06:01 PM
And, Keiva, be sure to check this out while you're at it:

"If you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."


Posted By: PissandMoan Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 06:06 PM
would ask whether such posts [by equalizer] are appropriate or desirable for this board, or in this board's best interest

Having seen that so many here don't have any use for you or your posts, I would ask whether YOU are appropriate for this board. It is generally agreed you're not desirable or in anyone's best interest. If any of us are doppelgangers, that would make you a "Tripleganger", Keiva, AphonicRants and KeivaCarpal. How is it that none of the sanctions you want to level against anyone else seem to apply to you?

Posted By: of troy Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 06:39 PM
Well, lets see, in this thread, we have trick 1-- he can't get away with pretending that i agree with him, so he drags out give'm hell harry -- and early this week week who was it? thomas jefferson? and someone else? all dead -- they are safe. they can't complain they are being used.

of course, the whole of the thread is an attempt at trick 5 -- all too often, equalizer has hit the mark, and pointed out keiva's deceit, so best thing to do, is launch an attack on equalizer, and now, to the bargain, he attacks me too, a trick 5 double play! --or is it a triple? so much to plow through, i can't remember if he also attacked piss and moan! --

i've already pointed out, that this thread started with trick 8, and its filled with trick 2, the double standard and part 1 of trick 3 he demands i post chapter and verse when and where he has been nasty, or rude, or unpleasant, and if i do, he will hold out to see what the majority desides.. he has already played the second half of trick 3 by claiming since he doesn't know who equalizer is, there is no way to know if anyone else would agree with equalizer, and he is going to see what the vote is

its simple really.. there is not much to him.. just presto chango, he doesn't really have much of show..

Oh i have go back and edit, i forgot trick 9 quote some poetry, or gilbert and sullivan or anyone, and let them prove your points.. its sort of like trick 1, but looks very different..

Posted By: Wordwind Post deleted by Wordwind - 06/14/02 07:16 PM
Posted By: Keiva Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 07:29 PM
of troy does not have to compile a list of quotes to prove her case.
Sounds to me like you're saying, "Don't confuse me with facts."

The equalizer is simply showing ...
No ma'am. I raise the question of whether equalizer, dissatisfied with my presence, is therefore entitled to bring it up incessantly and in inflammatory language. In other words, whether the end justifies the means.

He/she is welcome to an opinion of whether I should be here. Does that justify such speech in an attempt to enforce that opinion? Or are there proper civilized means to conduct discussion even if one believes (rightly or wrongly), as does equalizer, that one's opponent is in the wrong?

I suggest that decent human beings simply do not speak that way, regardless of provocation. Read equalizer's words, and see what you think.

Would you want to be in the same room with someone who talks that way?

[Edit to PissandMoan: Glad to answer your question. Put it in a new thread, so as not to divert from the question posed here -- unless of course your intent was to divert.]
Posted By: Wordwind Post deleted by Wordwind - 06/14/02 08:06 PM
Posted By: PissandMoan Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 08:15 PM
When I can decipher your subterfuge and figure out what exactly your rambling amounts to, I'll have a better idea of what is diverting. In the meantime, I guess I'll compile a list of all the threads YOU have "DIVERTED" from. You seem to think it's quite acceptable to go rushing in to interrupt any thread you choose, at whim, to champion your pathetic cause - relevant or not. I'd expect though that you WON'T answer my question - either of them. It's all the rest of us who are answerable to you, apparently, while you clutter the board with reposts.

are there proper civilized means to conduct discussion even if one believes (rightly or wrongly), as does equalizer, that one's opponent is in the wrong?

Sure. I guess if one is incapable of listening to others, if one is incapable of an original thought, then the proper way to discuss is to post nonsequiturs and quotes and other such nonsense. Or one could just wave words like "lawsuit" around. That's proper. Decent, too?????

In the meantime, it appears you've set yourself up as the chief authority on "decency". When I recover from choking with laughter, I'll start compiling my list.

Posted By: Keiva Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 08:30 PM
WordWind, I've written out response to you, Still, I notice that your post says nothing about this thread's orignal subject (equalizer's behavior), and so to avoid hijacking this thread I'm not posting my answer here -- instead, I'll PM it to you or post it in a separate thread; whichever you wish. Let me know.

Posted By: RawNerve Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 08:43 PM
on behavioral analysis

"We shall want to consider the way in which several variables, combining at a given time, contribute strength to a given response. In so doing we may appear to be going well beyond a frequency interpretation of probability, yet our evidence for the contribution of each variable is based upon observations of frequencies alone."

--B. F. Skinner, Verbal Behavior, p. 28.

Posted By: musick Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 09:41 PM
I suggest that decent human beings simply do not speak that way, regardless of provocation.

I suggest that all men are created decent and provocation is the only thing that changes it.

Edit - I post reply to "pissandmoan" as I, too, will be chuckling... and I, too, know there are many questions unanswered.
Posted By: of troy Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/14/02 10:16 PM
and here folks, its the classic keiva double standard.trick 2
WordWind, I've written out response to you, Still, I notice that your post says nothing about this thread's orignal subject (equalizer's behavior), and so to avoid hijacking this thread I'm not posting my answer here -- instead, I'll PM it to you or post it in a separate thread; whichever you wish. Let me know.

Yes, he is hurt... so hurt.... but he is not going to hijack this thread to respond to WW comments, he'll bring it else where, because this thread is his thread to complain about equalizer, and he wants to control it.. but of course word winds post is about this thread, and "taking it else where" is just another way to say "sleep on it". clearly keiva, WW wish is that you never post here again, not that you start yet another thread to complain "no body will do as i say!", "no body will listen to me!" that is trick 4 the twist, where keiva says "yes, i know you don't want to discuss it, yes, i know you don't want me to post, but i have to post to defend my self, so should i start a new thread? please, tell me to start a new thread, then i can say i was invited to post a thread.. come on lets twist, again, twistin' time is here!

you see, i don't need to back and look for keiva's nastiness, its right here, right now..

here is an idea ken, go look in Q & A about Words, at all your 'threads'. the ones hardly got looked at... let alone responded to, not many want to respond to anything you post.. and lets not forget, AphonicRants was posting before keiva was banned.. so when we hear a greek chorus of support chiming in for you effort, don't think any one will fall for it. you might get your she sheep, ewein to make some bleeting noises, but i don't think she hold much credibility.. (remember, "i have made my last post" followed by,"i might look in, time to time, and comment on thing of interest to me..." ) its to baaad, but she can't be trusted!

you still have a few tricks you haven't tried..maybe your ewein has got a little sick lamb she can lament about... and how terrible it is, to be so up set, with a sick child.. yeah, you still haven't pulled out trick 7 yet.

Posted By: snoot Post deleted by snoot - 06/14/02 10:17 PM
Posted By: of troy Re: A light at the end of the tunnel? - 06/14/02 10:53 PM
snoot a vote is a great idea, but, we've had votes, and keiva has lost, and all he does is demand a recount, and play trick 3 you know, "i'll hold out till the majority voice their opinion" and when we do, he compains we have picked on him..and he start to rant, and complain, and find fault all over again.

but even if the 35 to 40 or so regulars vote keiva goes, well, keiva will just point out there are over 3000 registered users, and until all of them vote, it won't be over.. and how many are kieva sock puppets? he will most certainly object to your vote and to equalizers, but the she sheep, ewein, he'll demand that her vote count, and i suspect he'd want to also include keivacarpal's vote, and AphonicRants, and the other socks to get a vote.. real top drawer stuff!(isn't that were everybody keep their socks? top drawer?)

but that this kind of a vote is an old chicago tradition isn't it? Vote Early, and Vote Often!
the only reason Keiva hasn't voted yet, is he is too busy setting up new accounts, all the better to stuff the ballots!

Posted By: wordcrazy Re: A light at the end of the tunnel? - 06/14/02 11:38 PM
Anu must be sad.

Wow, Kenny. You've made me famous!!! But aren't you going to deny any of the things I've written above? No? Then they must all be true, mustn't they? They can't all be but you leave me with no room for doubt.

So you really are a psychotic, demented, paranoid frustrated old man with no life and no personality or charisma. How sad you are. I really feel sorry for you - or maybe I don't because you are a bitter and twisted, cruel man and a bad man at that. And what happens to bad men? They get punished, Kenny, and you will be punished. You think you can get away with things here that you would be severely punished for in the 'real' world but you won't. Bad men always get their come-uppance and the time is ripe for you to get yours.

Dear equalizer: I deplore your insults to Keiva. They are in bad taste, and give him
a chance to reply in a way that might look justified to newcomers. Please, stick to
short but sufficient statement that we wish he would leave. That's more likely to
be effective.

Posted By: equalizer Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/17/02 12:52 PM
Harry Truman said, "I don't give them hell. I just tell the truth, and they think it's hell."

I thought he said 'And I intend to give them hell!!!? And wasn't that a compliment? At least that's what you in the guise of yet another pseudonym suggested to Rubrick when he published his post last month. You really must have your head shoved way up your ass, Kenny boy, if you can't even quote yourself! Ha, ha. What a dope.

Posted By: equalizer Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/17/02 12:58 PM
Of troy, I'll be glad to discuss my behavior any time, but based upon specific data -- which your above post, unlike mine, does not provide --
rather than your sweeping generalizations. Find me one post of mine in the last two weeks that compares in nastiness with those of equalizer
in the last two days.

You posted your collection of my posts seven minutes after I posted my last one to you and you expect us to forgive your evil ways after only two weeks? Think again, Kenny babes.

Psychiatry doesn't depend on data so we don't need data to discuss your behavior, kenny boy. Our hypotheses show that you are indeed unbalanced and a dangerous psychotic and they cannot be simply cast aside as generalizations. You are not just bad for this forum you are a menace to society and something will have to be done about you, won't it?

You bad man. Punishment will come soon.

Posted By: equalizer Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/17/02 01:01 PM
if you have points our your own to make, you can start a thread making them on factual basis. Here, you
are merely attempting to fillibuster and rant to intimidate people from responding to a legitimate question.

Again you presume that you run this forum, kenny boy, and that you make the rules. Again I point out to you that you are a small insignificant nothing who has no effect on us. Go away and play your bad boy games elsewhere. My hypotheses lead me to facts and these facts have not been denied therefore I hold them to be true. You are indeed a sick man and in need of dire help. Seek that help, Kenny babes. Get your head examined. How can you bear all of this pain? Won't a doctor help?

Posted By: equalizer Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/17/02 01:05 PM
archedbrow, since you are pretty clearly a doppelganger, we have now way of knowing whether your "vote" merely duplicates that of another
board member, or is the vote of one who has left the board. I will check to see whether, in your brief tenure, you have posted anything other
than personal attacks. Edit: upon checking, 7 of your 8 posts dealt with the personal matteryou bring up now.

Clearly you are not interested in word posts and are obsessed with archives and counting the number of times other members have posted. Where does this obsessive behaviour come from, Kenny boy? Can't Nacy get one of her doctor friends to take a look at you? After all she must know someone at that university where she lectures. Get some help, Kenny. You really are sick.

Posted By: equalizer Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/17/02 01:22 PM
The equalizer is simply showing ...
No ma'am. I raise the question of whether equalizer, dissatisfied with my presence, is therefore entitled to bring it up
incessantly and in inflammatory language. In other words, whether the end justifies the means.

He/she is welcome to an opinion of whether I should be here. Does that justify such speech in an attempt to
enforce that opinion? Or are there proper civilized means to conduct discussion even if one believes (rightly or
wrongly), as does equalizer, that one's opponent is in the wrong?

I suggest that decent human beings simply do not speak that way, regardless of provocation. Read equalizer's
words, and see what you think.

Would you want to be in the same room with someone who talks that way?

Kenny, kenny, kenny. What a lot to reply to!!! But why don't you address me yourself? Are you afraid of me, Kenny babes? Why is that? I don't hate you Kenny. I want to be your friend. Really I do. Don't you want to be my friend too? I hope so because you are so much fun to have around and I'm not finished having fun with you yet. You deride everyone else but me and you fight with them too. Fight with me, Kenny boy. Or have you met your match?

I don't use incessantly inflammatory language Kenny. You should look those two words up because you obvioulsy don't know what they mean. If I were to use incessant language then I would never stop, would I? But I do! And I am hardly inflammatory all of the time, am I, if I am not incessant? Get your facts right, Kenny boy and start to learn a little English if you are going to address me. You are a Pooh-Bah now so you should really have reached a standard but you clearly haven't. All of yoru posts have been stupid limericks, songs and blow-hard statements about how great you think you are and how little you think of everyone else. Dumb-schmuck that you are you can't see that you are the little insignificant man. Look up today's word of the day, Kenny boy. It fits you like a glove.

Well, Kenny. You want me to address you civilly after all you've said and done on the forum in the past year or so? You say that you have acted civilly but you haven't. All your civility has been a sham and you are just plain rude so there is no need for me to be nice to you. You are a bad man and I will treat you the way that you deserve. Oh, and I have never spoken to you so get your facts right, Kenny. I use a keyboard to convey my words.

You're right, though. I don't know anyone on this forum who could abide being in the same room as you (except for your lovely wife Youwhine - but how she can stand being in your presence for long is anyone's guess). Just the thought of it turns my stomach.

Posted By: equalizer Re: the collected posts of "equalizer" - 06/17/02 01:26 PM
WordWind, I've written out response to you, Still, I notice that your post says nothing about this thread's orignal subject (equalizer's
behavior), and so to avoid hijacking this thread I'm not posting my answer here -- instead, I'll PM it to you or post it in a separate thread;
whichever you wish. Let me know.

What's this Kenny? Trying to make friends again? Well, guess again. Everyone hates you Kenny. Everyone wants you to go except for Nancy and all of your invisible friends whom you created to reply to your posts in a positive vein. Oh, and I don't hate you Kenny. Write to me and I'll make my points about equalizer's posts. What do you want me to say about them?

You? Hijack a thread? Perish the thought. I've never seen you do that before.

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